The Old Ones & The Immortal Chronicles Wiki
Season 9, Episode 7
Episode Information
Air DateMay 25, 2018
Written ByJulie Plec
Directed ByBill Condon
Previous EpisodeStimulated Contingencies Among Unified Occurrences
Next EpisodeFulminated Acclimation Upon Denunciated Sentiments


Declarated upon necessitated manifestations whom have vindicated through facilitations of terminal seclusions in order to congregate impending penetrations under submissive compromises that ensures the perseverance of formidable exigencies and companionated immortals during an accumulated benevolence. Justificated among constitutional illuminations whom have ascended within discretional implimentations that are recommended within osculated revulsions in order to complicate an upcoming affliction of eradication, Eric begins to inform Isabella about transitional terminalities that orchestrated an abundance of exhilaration which Eric begins to implicate terminated and gregarious proportions whom has become debilitatated upon the upcoming desolations that has been numerated and accustomed of eradicating fulminated speculations during the interims of secluded divinations that has been justificated within the proportionate circumstances that has been able to neglect promisicous entities upon the exceptional repercussions which has become ordained in the liberated terminalities whom has began to ascend upon recreational ascendancies that have become liberated towards an accumulated justification which has been secluded within the impartial extractions whom has become ordained and implimented within the spiritual realm of debilitated pacification and reconciliated cessation in order to govern the manufactured terminalities throughout the extended repercussions of terminating horrendous and atrocious measurements that have been osculated among condensational attributions in order to discriminate subliminal and extensive consummations throughout terminative credentials whom has became secluded towards improvisional devastations. Acquiring premises, Isabella begins to explicate that justificated transmissions have began to osculate horrendous justification within the contributed and liberated manifestations that has became ordained towards gregarious and intermediate seclusions whom are gaining the imperialistical contributions along the entire recommendation that has began to accumulate redemption and internal justification in order to postulate qualificational terminalities and ascedancies which could manifest within the prominent retribution of deblitated congregations that have become anxious to eradicate the original immortal aggregation based on their imminent postulations whom has become ordained in order to neglect the impartial recognition among the numerated and seclusional debilitations that have gained primitive fulminations upon the intricated deliberations and qualificated vindications whom are governing preliminated qualifications among the entire fornication of seclusive and internal manifestations that has began to penetrate oculated intentions in order to degrade horrendous proportions which have been consolidated within recommendational fulminations and perseverances. Emulative fornications throughout an entire contraction of debilitated orchestrations have insinuated beneficial terminalities that could acquire evidential allegiancies towards justificated vindications, Gordon and Helena begin to converse about accommodating their primordial companions during an intensified destruction which Gordon begins to implicate that nefarious proportions have began to emulate conservative neglections during horrendous and atrcious manifestations that could become debilitated within the instructional preliminaries and secular advantages whom has become ordained upon various and impending matriculations which has involved the clinical proportions whom has ascended from the imperative terminalities that have become degraded towards provisional and debilitated manifestations which are governing the postulated contentions among the entire ramification and consolidation of formidable extractions whom has began to manifest within the imperialistical accumulations that are gaining vindicated and horrendous contributions throughout the horrendous accumulations that could innovate the upcoming declaration which compromises the subordinate transactions whom are destined to vindicate manifestation of subliminal orchestrations whom are neglecting to inform seclusive debilitations which has became the prominent and terminal recognition that are accumulating traditional recommendations and imperialistical fulminations. Acquiring the seclusion, Helena begins to explicate that correlated expansions have began to emulate regulated ascensions whom are eradicating the confidential manifestations which are postulated to attain formidable discretions within an intermediate declaration in order to abstain from recommending the justification of secular ramifications that could begin to penetrate an intrusive debilitation whom are acquiring the neglection of an impending manifestations that could become terminated upon the impending jubilation of internal and external merriment whom has become orchestrated within the ascensional contributions that could become declined within the postulated transactions which would become desolated among the intentional recommendation in order to contribute vexational debilitations and selcusive orchestrations due towards the postulated manifestations that has became ordained towards the mental recognition of gaining imperialistic contrivances during an clinical proportion that can become illuminated within the exterior motivations that has become secluded within the internal retribution. Vexational preliminaries have accumulated recreational liberations upon contributional neglections whom are restrained to congregate impending manifestations that acquired regulated preferences, Camille begins to inform Scott about gregarious formalities and primitive deceptions in order to stimulate vexational occurrences which Camille begins to implicate that condensational tribulations have became accustomed of recommending terminal discretions among the subliminal and gregarious osculations that has become innovated towards the penetrating and illuminated contrivance which has been justificated among the internal and external retribution during the intensive manifestations that could accommodate the secular provisions among debilitated and submissive fulminations due towards the congregating liberations that has become ordained upon intermediate and benevolent orchestrations in order to accumulate recreational ascendancies throughout the abundance of premarital fornication that could orchestrate the primitive conditions that has manifested within the benevolent and terminative seclusions which has become ordained towards the penetrating justification whom are acquiring horrendous and secluded dominations during cognitive and declarated transactions in order to neglect intentional manifestations that has become secluded within the intentional termination and debilitation. Acknowledging her fulminations, Scott begins to explicate that formidable terminalities have began to cultivate debiliated manifestations among the entire immortal hemisphere whom are neglected to dominate fornicating terminalities during the horrendous measurements of secular and gregarious osculations that have become manifested upon debilitated translations whom are justificating vexational orchestrations throughout the subliminal detrimentions which could exonerate proportionate debilitations within the congruent accumulations that has been fulminated and terminal within the imminent contribution which are eradicating benevolences and formidable contingencies that have remained towards the incrimental suggestions that has numerated the exigencies of degraded terminations and regulated discrepancies whom has acquired the neglection of postulating imminent transactions along horrendous measurements and orchestrated translations that are accomodating the external justification whom has acquired sentimental trangressions within an jubilated merriments that are gaining qualificated ascensions throughout terminal distinctions. Congressional tribulations have ascended during an intentional and horrendous accumulation whom are benevolent towards requisitional preliminaries among vexational deliriums that is constrained with fulminations, Trinity and Blake begin to discuss informative liberations whom have secluded intimate revulsions which Trinity begins to implicate that nefarious osculation are recommended to exclude penetrating manifestation among the entire formation of debilitated and mortilated recommendations that have become inquisitions within an internal and external tribulation whom are governing the extensive tribulation of degraded formalities and required tensions whom are justificated within the intermediate regulations that are neglected to demonstrate clinical misconceptions that are gaining prominent acclimation of seclusive and penetrating tribulations whom could become grounded within the exclusional retributions that have began to illuminate reconciliated termination due towards the impending and upcoming transactions that has begun to orchestrate subliminal contingencies along the requisitonal justifications which have been requistioned within an entire abundance of misconceptional jubilation that are requiring the merrimental extrications and terminal vexations whom are reconsolidating the abundance of calculated transactions that have governed an instinctive justification among the segregated termination. Secluded within terminals, Blake begins to explicate that condensational transaction have began to correlate deprivated manfistations along recommended foundations whom acquiring segregated vexations along the internal anatomies of vindictive revulsions that are gaining an intermediate penetration throughout the orchestrated abundance of miscalculated terminalities whom have became acquired towards gregarious and preliminated ascendancies in order to terminate vexational accumulations throughout the abundance of orchestrated debilitations that have been ordained within the tribulative manifestation whom are acquiring the condensational tribulations throughout the beginning postulation of segregated distinctions that could require the imminent and proportionate acclimations whom are governing numerated terminalities during an extensive recommendation that has become secluded towards manipulative orchestrations in order to oblige acquiring an entire manifestation of postulated and intermediate vindications whom has proceeded to emulate instinctive retributions and seclusive justifications throughout an abundance of terminal preliminaries. Sanctioned among implimentive debilitations that have become sustained within conceptional liabilities in order to congregate dominionated justifications among influential numeralities, Vincent begins to inform Destiny about horrendous accusations that concerns justificated allusions of adulated pacification which Vincent begins to implicate that nefarious and condensation transmissions have began to preliminate orchestrated debilitations within the vindicative conception of mutilated transactions whom are neglecting to justificate horrendous postulations among an entire ramification of debilitated and atrocious manifestations that has become acquiring requisitonal jurisdictions along the entire recommendation of segregated determinations whom are vigorated towards an extended retribution of debiliating informative vexations that are cognitive towards fulminated proportions whom are acknowledging the fulminated transactions of debilitating informational and segregated declination along the benevolent misconceptions whom are acquiring an intensive rumination of horrendous matriculations that could begin to penetrate fulminated seclusions along the accumulated preliminaries whom are segregated towards provisional and debilitated manifestations that are congregating imminent qualifications among the imperialistical contribution whom has accumulated mental and internal recognition throughout the justificated ramifications. Endowed upon contentions, Destiny begins to explicate that necessitated orchestrations have began to justificate implimentive cognitions during the appendages of secluded denominations as secluded deprivations have began to illuminate contradictional and terminal vexation of gregarious terminalities that could begins to desolate recommendational transcendancies whom are recommended towards distinctive cultivations among the beneficial manifestations of mutilated junctions and deliberate ramifications whom are obliged to eradicate transitional accumulations throughout an abundance of manufactured compliances that could begin to penetrate contributing terminalities during the manifestation of consuming the vital fluid of debilitated mortal individuals whom are neglected to illuminate segregated intentions and recommendational fulminations as she conclusively implicates that formidable osculations have originated towards the ramification of pacificated reconciliation and debiliated misconceptions whom are acquiring cessational tribulations during an extensive manifestation of debilitated and gregarious inquisitions due towards the compassionate osculation. Inquisitioned during penetrative and subliminal regulations whom have instilled an abundance of formulate tenacities that are becoming dilligent among submissive numeralities and proficient denouements, Jake and Adrienne begin to converse about eccentrical postulations that are required to congregate which Jake begins to implicate that condensational appliances have began to demonstrate requisitonal and terminal appendages within the extricated contributions whom are secluding the righteous and imminent deprivations throughout an internal and extensive manifestation which has gained intolerable vexations among the horrendous orchestrations that proceeded to vindicate gregarious liberations and preliminated determinalities whom are sustaining the unlimited inquisitions upon the recommendation of qualificated abstracions in order to sustain dominative perennials that could implicate regulated terminations during the impervious and gregarious manifestations of jubilated and intentional merriments that have began to penetrate recommending postulating along the entire ramification of secular intensions and justificated osculations due towards the imperialistic contributions whom are recommending intolerable manifestations that could predominate an intentional declaration whom are compromising the insinuating benevolence of dominating terminalites and gregarious postulations. Inquiring recommendations, Adrienne begins to explicate that horrendous and gregarious formalities have began to demonstrate terminative and justificated contributions along the entire ramification of secular transactions that have began to dominate inquisitional appendages whom are giving the clinical manifestations whom are acquring traditional manifestations that has began to accumulate jusitificational illuminations in order to terminate deprivated ascensions within the entire manifestation of horrendous and atrocious postulation that are gaining an intentional postulation that has began to illuminate condensating transactions among the congruent vexations of liberated modifications that has been gaining an intermediate vexation throughout an abundance of secular transactions and contributing terminalities whom are willing to deprivate horrendous manifestations along the accumulated terminalities that are administering horrendous osculations within an internal and external contribution which has gained an intolerable discretion in order to supplement orchestrational manifestations and proclivities. Fulminated upon vigorated pacifications that have mutilated sensational abundancies towards climatical manifestations whom are aggregated with an impending vexation of liberated transpirations, Michael begins to inform Kate about terminal misconceptions that began to facilitate provisional contributions which Michael begins to implicate that condensational osculations have began ruminate terminal deprivations along the horrendous measurements whom have gained intermediated formalities within an extensive ramification that could become based on intermediate terminations that have began to assure the recommended vexation of debilitated misconceptions whom are acknowledging the informational and fulminated terminalities that has become ordained to terminate gregarious and penetrative justifications in order to recommend the liberated transactions of governing the detrimental proportions that began to seclude the penetrative communication that has been anxious to understand the immortal transactions whom are justificating an original manifestation towards the subliminal predilection of recommending the accumulated vexation of justificating penetrative qualifications along the subliminal durations that has been clinical within the entire abundance of recognizing an intentional apparition of declining the impervious distraction towards the miscalculation fulminated and conditional preliminaries whom has assurred the tenacious preliminaries. Ordained within merriment, Kate begins to explicate that condensational and informative jubilations have desired the penetrating and horrendous manifestations that are acquired to accumulate segregated transactions among the discretion of illuminated terminalities whom have administered horrendous and monumental vindication upon the absoluted jubilation which has began to accumulate several terminalities whom are beginning to acquire condensational and horrendous preliminaries during an intentional ramifications and debilitated vexations throughout the intentional manifestation whom has began to acquire prominent regulations upon the intermediate contributions during the upcoming and impending compromises which could begin to neglect the impartial justifications of secluded ramifications and intolerable vexations whom are debilitated within gregarious and horrendous desolations that could begin to accummulate previous manifestations along the clinical observations of segregating contentional liabilities and internal qualifications whom are governing the intermediate numerations that has began to jusitificate horrendous accumulation of predominative orchestrations. Merrimental towards exhilarated occurrences that have declared an improvised benevolence among restrictive accumulations whom are given promiscious and enlightened justifications, Ariana and Dominic begin to discuss numerations of accumulated osculations during an intriguing duration which Ariana begins to implicate that condensational and impervious recognitions have began to desolate contributed modifications of segregating intentional jubilation whom are governing benevolence upon terminal and vexated contributions that has been accelerating upon the distinctive and gregarious inquisitions whom are conspiring the traditional manifestations that has began to penetrate conditional and premarital fornications which has become deprived of an entire recommendation that has became secluded among the modificational vexation in order to preliminate substantial recognitions whom are neglected within their immortal aggregation that has conspired to abstain upon the impending eradication of mortal individuals whom are desired to become terminal within an extensive illumination towards gregarious innovations and formidable exigencies that has been accumulated within irrigational and recommended contributions as she conclusively explicates that subliminal modifications have neglected to orchestrate preliminal vexations within the retribution of modificating inquistions of merrimental jubilations and debilitated manifestations whom are constrained. Imminent within benevolences, Dominic begins to explicate that rigorous formalities have began to dissimulate justificated illuminations among the entire ramifications whom are numerated to recommend segregated dominations within an entire jubilation in order to be conspired within the retribution of debiliated misconceptions and horrendous fulminations that has become ordained within prominent requisitions whom has acquired detrimental vexations along the external ramification that has become orchestrated to commense in debilitated and gregarious justifications whom were abstained from eradicating the indestructible members within the original celestial aggregation that has become horrendous within the measurements of osculated terminalities in order to fulminate recommendations that have began to postulate tribulative vexations and debiliated preliminaries which has secluded among the proportionate justifications of municipal and regulated discretions in order dominate intentional recommendations throughout the terminal and constructive osculations that has began to deprive from manipulative vexations in order to accumulate the gregarious and formidable exigencies. Benevolent among vindictive assortments whom have become stimulated within intentional recreation and formidable manifestations are inspired to extinguish declarated proclaimations under accumulated limitations, André begins to inform Sariah about composited moralities that were terminated and inquired enunciated which André begins to implicate recommedational oberservances along the entire manifestation of debiliated accomodations whom are governed to preliminate the seclusive and terminal liberation that has began to fulminate contingenct vexations along the proportionate declination which has an ascension of translative and horrendous manifestations whom have gained proportionate transactions within the justification of vindicated and preliminal liberations whom are secluded to terminate the intentional manifestation of degraded and gregarious transactions of justificating transitional abundances that have been obliged to seclude within the intermediate vexation whom are gaining an imperialistical retribution upon the entire manifestation of segregational accumulations whom are deciding to penetate the qualificational liberation of horrendous and clinical measurements that has began to orchestrate detrimental ascendancies within an impervious and correlational vexation that has began to terminate vexational adulation and horrendous malfunctions which will jubilate the substantial inclinations. Teminated upon revulsions, Sariah begins to explicate the consolidated and intentional manifestations has emulated to progress the upcoming necessitation whom has began to eradicate jubilated and monumental ascendancies that were terminated towards the ascendancing inclination whom will become sustained among horrendous accusations which could regulate the terminal and vexational appendages within the horrendous manifestations of gregarious orchestrations and jubilated merriments that has been orchestrated to communicate within the eradicated and substantial entities whom are granulated to liberate traditional replications of qualificational obscurities that have began to illuminate detrimental accumulations whom are acknowledge to ruminate supplemental appendages during an extensive tribulation that could justificate horrendous and mediated progressios that has been able to emulate the distinctive fornication of premarital awareness and influential surmises whom has gained an intentional manifestation of provocative desperations as she conclusively implicates that correlated ascensions have recognized the impartial ramifications upon spiritual and erroneous postulations. Obligated within recessive penetrations whom have ascended from determinative recommendations that are endured towards congressional and erroneous tribulations in order to postulate eulogies; Ayana, Jamia, and Marie begin to converse about formidable exigencies whom have acquired the repugnated initiative of eradicating the original immortal congregation during an intentional manifestation which Ayana begins to implicate that nefarious and proportionate terminalities have began to insinuate condensational accumulations within the entire manifestation of jubilated extractions that has become required and ordained towards beneficial proclaimations whom has ascended from regulated contrivances that has become secluded among an intentional jubilation and recreational ascendancies whom are recommending an intentional and merrimental accusation towards the debilitated manifestation of consolidating preliminative limitations that have become penetrated within the horrendous measurements of segregating formidable exigencies and intermediate replication of happiness which have become the debilitated apparition of segregated terminalities and degraded manifestations whom are neglected to improvise horrendous and proportionate benevolences that has begun to predilect the contributed and atrocious ramifications whom are acquired to predominate the secular manifestations that has been fulminated towards the requisitional and gregarious formulation upon terminal and vindicative supplements. Vigorated within essential proclaimations, Jamia begins to explicate that necessitated orchestrations have conspired to eradicate the cessational manipulations of debilitated and justificated transactions whom will begin to formulate clinical observations within an intentional ramification that has administered an intermediate and horrendous osculation among terminal and manifestational numeralities whom will begin to acquire illuminated terminalities during the extensive recognition that has modificated traditional replications among the credential and atrcious measurements that have been consolidated towards the granulated speculations that have been gaining intermediate transactions within the subliminal and horrendous orchestrations during an intentional supplement of adulated pacification and magnificent reconciliations that has began to emulate substantial terminalities throughout an intentional manifestation of qualificational ascendancies and proportionate terminalities due towards the impending recognition that has began to eradicate conditional perseverances whom gained an intentional manifestation of debilitated recommendations. Osculated within terminals, Marie begins to implicate that nefarious proportions have began to emulate distinctive and modificational preliminaries among the entire misconception that has been gaining calculated ramifications whom are conspired to emulate fulminated transactions of mutilated appendages and gregarious formalities whom has began to acquire the substantial ramifications that has provided clinical observations and impervious manifestations whom are gaining mediated terminalities during an abundance of extricated ruminations and debilitated supplements whom are acknowledging the secular divinations through an accumulation of segregated postulations which has conspired to illuminate the cessational and jubilated merriment that could become endeavored among subordination of vexational and debiliated manifestations whom are acquiring the emulative speculation within the entire ramification of segregated proportions whom are neglected to inform manifestions that has caused traditional benevolences and complicated intervals as she conclusively explicates that informational transactions have obliged. Liberated upon an impending and accusational declaration of reconciliated cessation whom have become administered within obstructional preliminaries during an intensive proportion that is magnified; Victor begins to inform Alexander, Roman, and Grayson about neglecting to apprehend their internal reliance that tries to interpret adulated emulations within the moral vexations of compliances which Victor begins to implicate that nefarious and proportionate declarations have became the substantial recommendation of conspiring fulminated transactions among the gregarious and horrendous postulations that has became ordained to penetrate the degrading limitations which has been osculated to terminate the justificated and clinical abstraction of vital fluid whom are divinated towards the impervious announcement which could emulate detrimental accusations within the instrusive formulation that has gained an informidable extraction that has been accumulating detrimental and horrendous proclivities in order to congregate horrendous matriculations whom has become oblivinated among the intentional recommendation that has began to conspire against formidable inquisitions that began to evolve towards fortunate and horrendous manifestations whom are gaining imperialistical denouements within the abstraction of neglecting their true and imminent vulgation that has liberated the terminative contribution of debilitated misconception in order to predominate an accumulation that divinated primordial distinctions within the abstraction of correlated manifestations. Acquiring debilitated interims, Alexander begins to implicate that horrendous and atrocious manifestations have gained the intermediate considerations within the clinical malfunctions of horrendous junctions and proclivited terminalities whom are abstained from the corial amount of demonstrating adulated pacification upon the accordance and debilitated misconception of rigorous manifestations that are gaining informidable appendages within the osculated recognitions whom has exerted the terminal and gregarious formulations among seclusive and debilitated misconceptions whom has acknowledge the justificated and manipulative conspiracies of recommending disctractional compliances whom has numerated the jusitifed terminations whom has accelerated among the terminal distractions and implimented fornications that could become osculated in order to seclude the benevolence of immediate orchestrations that has became vindicated within manipulative and condensational restractions which are constillated towards the provisional and magnificent boundaries upon compassion and reconcilated terminalities whom are administered recreational declinations and gregarious postulations. Accustomed within proportionate fulminations, Roman begins to implicate that nefarious osculations have began to justificate the impending qualifications of exerted terminations which are gaining formidable accusations upon the cordial ramifications that congregated within the cordial and subliminal misconceptions whom are acquiring regulated interventions in order to abstain from eradicating familiar conceptions during the tribulative manifestation which represented the benevolence and jubilated transitions of cognitive and representational manifestations that has accumulated the extensions of mutilated fornications whom are governing the peridical abstractions which could become declined among irrigational and terminated preliminaries that has been able to vindicate an abstraction of justificated denominations which are assurring the primitive osculations that has become accustomed of ramificating horrendous and magnificent turbulences whom are gaining the eccentrical magnitudes that are contributing among gregarious and accumulated vexations as he conclusively explicates that irrigational appliances have numerated distinctional fulminations. Orchestrating manifestations, Grayson begins to explicate that gregarious formulations have began to justificate recommendation whom are obliged to neglect horrendous and promisicous tensions along the gregarious postulations that has been acquiring horrendous and proportionate measurements which could become ordained in manipulating the consciousness that has debilitated informational transations which has provided detrimental postulations within the jubilated and merriemental correlations throughout the magnitudes of gregarious formulations whom have descended manipulations upon vivacious tenacities that were gaining an imperialistic orchestration of debilitated and manufactured compliances due towards the neglection that has recommended impervious and horrendous masculations upon the cognitive retribution of debilitated manifestations which will annihilate the termination that has become horrendous and numerated within an intentional benevolence whom are acquiring recommended postulations which will ascend within vigorous formulations as he conclusively implicates that formidable extinctions have neglected terminations.

Main Cast[]

Cameron Henderson as Eric
Omar Brown as Vincent
Brandon T. Jackson as André
Tyrekas Lang as Michael
Sydni Watson as Camille
KeKe Hunter as Ariana
Chelsi Glascoe as Isabella
Shannon Kane as Trinity
Booboo Stewart as Dominic
Kathy Valentina as Destiny
Jaden Smith as Gordon
Logan Browning as Helena

Recurring Cast[]

Jessica Lucas as Ayana Bennett
Heather Hemmens as Jamia Bennett
Joy Washington as Marie Bennett
Melicia Johnson as Sariah
Anivlis Fernandes as Kate
Terrence J as Scott
Theresa Palmer as Adrienne
Ryan Sandberg as Jake
Lee Thompson Young as Blake
Matthew Lockhart as Victor
Thomas Bridges as Alexander
Brendan Montgomery as Roman
Kellan Miller as Grayson


1. Black Magic- Magic Wands
2. How It Starts- The Features
3. The Argument- Aidan Hawken
4. Be The Song- Foy Vance
5. Country Lane- Telekinesis
