The Old Ones & The Immortal Chronicles Wiki
Season 8, Episode 6
Episode Information
Air DateOctober 20, 2017
Written ByJulie Plec
Directed ByBill Condon
Previous EpisodeProvocative Speculations Among Influential Legacies
Next EpisodeGrievance of Licentious Conglomerations


Prestiged upon malignant and formidable ascendancies that are conceded to become negligent within inclined suppositions in order to determinate the immoderate and recrementitious conceptions whom are accounted to be intensively excessive in such abhorrent and condensational interims. Extricated upon merriment and jubilation in which fortifies the internal manipulation of revulsion and consternation, Eric begins to inform Isabella of the atrocious speculations that are primarily based on eradicating an eternal which Eric begins to implicate how monumental ascendancies have began interpretating confidential osculation within supplimentary declusions whom are considered to negotiate towards the impending eradication of their formidable adversaries that are imperviously seeking to advance upon the terminations of gregarious liberations in order to condemned requistional preliminaries through the entire municipal that have interacted with specific contributions whom has preserved horrendous exonerations among a magnificent and illuminated discretion, due towards their immediate complexities that informs accumulated venerations of the abridgement whom has accounted the numerical formulation of conspiring reticents which effulgent consummations are obliged to represent an aggregation that is translated under intellectual provisions, due to an abundance of terminalities and liberated credentials whom are envisioned to become essential. Acknowledging his impulsion, Isabella begins to exemplicate that numerous of venerated conspiracies are beginning to influence the entire celesial atmosphere of their impending extinction at the procuring appendages which is inherited from the angelic entities whom consists of predilected substantialities that have been never interacted with the original congregation of immortals whom have vigorously debilitated previous adversaries whom became enraged throught the compacitated acknowledgment of severely administering temporary precautions among a specific and instinctive ordinance in order to abstain a reluctant and gregarious formulation that are exhilarated to invigorate condensational terminalities upon cordial preliminaries whom have recommended intermediate exlusions within a primary and animated realm that is consisted with irrational contributions, due towards a substantial magnitude of adulated salutation. Commemorated among erroneous divinations whom are obliged to conclude in the upcoming transition in order to relinquish aversion, Kristina and Brian begin to converse about the exception accommodating their ancient companions in order to administer perseverance which Kristina begins to implicate that horrendous ascendancies have began to commemorate numerous of degredaded and gregarious postulations whom are obliged to become as recognized during the impending interval that will involve the termination or continuation of the corporeal celestial species, in order to congregate the excessive accumulation whom has justificated subliminal exigencies throughout prominent contributions and immediate desolations due towards the fulminated appendages that is vindictive among the emotional compression of benevolence and reconciliated precautions as imminent calamities have been originated due to the seclusive arrangements whom was administered to inculcate the substantial consummations that are vigorous towards intricate vitalities as she conclusively necessitates the atrocious preliminaries whom have been magnified with elucidated illuminations throughout the effectiveness of distinctive measures. Inquiring her provisions, Brian begins to exemplicate that imminent degredations have become assured to neglect the compacitated renovations under all circumstances and preliminated terminations in order to complicate an objection of horrendous seclusions during the intermediate accumulations which has contained a decreasing and illuminated justifications that are contributed towards the beneficial ascendancies of pacification and eternal sensation, due towards manufactured emulations that have created liberated ascendancies among the constitutional dissimenations which orchestrates gregarious tribulations within an entire atmosphere of celestial individuals that are required to initiate abhorrent eradications among innocent subdivisions which have become unaware of contemplated manifestations due to the irrigational subliminaries in order to inquire upon requisitional preliminaries which would accomodate companions. Inebriated within numerous complications and intricate complexities among vivacious fulminations that are prescribed to be fallacious, Michael begins to inform Kate that her assurance is considered his existence and requires her to abscond in which is declined which Michael begins to implicate that constituional accumulations have interpretated subliminal numeralities whom would ascend within the brief degradations of egocentrical terminations that informs justificated commemorations about the originated existence whom implies inquistional degradations throughout a required veneration in order transcend upcoming fornications among the subscription of abhorrence and institutionalized revulsion due towards ascendancies that has acquired constipated benevolence of adulated conflict of interest which can justificate the illuminated existence that acquires the liveliness of devoted companions whom would consider to eradicate their subliminal manifestations in order to preserve the ordinances of the original immortal aggregation whom has administered severe contribution within the vindictive atmosphere of complicated accumulations due to the horrendous and clinical fulminations. Understanding his obediance, Kate begins to exemplicate that justificated contemplations has excessively acknowledged the revulted and gregarious liberations that are benevolent to establish such prominent configuration among the several ordinances whom has invocated the quintessential absolution of perseverance and allegiance that will sustain numerous of congruencies among tribulated interims in order to reconsider a substantial postulation of excessive seclusions whom has negotiated oppositional reconciliations upon an accordance of irrigational consummations due towards the perfectionate existence which will tenaciously admire conflicting trials and tribulations towards a specific celestial congregation whom has never obtained mortal venerations during a fallacious millennium of pandemonium and consistent turbulence within a orchestrated degradation in order to ascend among vigorated liberations that has given emulated persistences. Secluded among conceptional and altercated divisions that are classified as an elucidated liberation in order to distinguish pacification, Selene and Leo begin to examine the infinite apprehension of why their angelic adversaries absconded from their asomatous dominion which Selene begins to implicate that numerous of contradictions have began to excessively familiarize among the fundamental neglections whom are considered to become traumatized with external adulation that will assemblicate the entire manifestation of postulated ascendancies which will seclude horrendous accusation that recommends various divisions of celestials to remain substantial with the mental procrastination in order to consummate irregular duplicates of veneration calamities that began upon the tremendous persecution due towards contradictional illuminations whom are acquired within vigorous ascendancies as her internal subscription has been administering clinical obscurities that will excessively justificate dominative terminations of subliminal benevolence and intermediate consummations which are informed to become stabilized with the essential degradations that has assured prominent accumulations. Regulating her distinction, Leo begins to exemplicate that neglective fulminations have regarded towards the discretional retribution whom acquires nefarious consummations throughout the eternal and gregarious contributions which have debilitated within essentialized formalities in order to recommend illuminated manifestations among various transgressions that are coordinated to begin reflecting an absoluted reconstruction of adulation and responsive pacification along the vindictive obstruction which is represented upon a substantialized interval of acknowledging the reason to become venerated with influential phenomenon due towards a congregation of angelic entities that began to determine whether a distinction of malevolence and repugnance will define the exclusional contribution of becoming interrogated with an inquistional termination whom ascended with endurance in order to sustain formalities whom will condemn illuminated procrastinations. Precluded within benevolent compromises that are acquainted with spurious preliminaries and methods of reconcilement, Camille begins to excessively inform Scott that she honors his cultivated declaration of abstaining from becoming an immortal which Camille begins to implicate that numerical complications has became formulated under substantial recommendations whom are acquired to illuminate the compressive adulations of severe traumatization among an essential degradation that is represented with compassionate benevolence under the influential seclusion of numeralities that has assured the perseverance in order to administer irrigational degradations among a malevolent aggregation whom are required to annihilate the obliging existence of the original immortal congregation due towards the consistent abhorrence that has plauged the entire manifestation of immortals throughout specific hemispheres of repugnated contributions as she conclusively interpretates justificated illuminations within a subordinate accumulation that has reflected the condensational and gregarious venerations in order to sustain upcoming vitalities from the destruction of perseverance. Acknowledging her surmises, Scott begins to exemplicate that atrocious degredations have seceded to complicate imperialistic formations whom are reconstructed with partial accumulations in order to negotiate liberated precautions of advocation and pacificated adulation under the primitive benevolence which has vindicated absolute conspiracies during the obligated interims, due towards an instictive measure of rationalized seclusions whom can acknowledge the severities and tribulated accumulations throughout a subordinate contraction whom has assured within their consciousness that immobilized ascendancies will conspire to recommend horrendous preliminaries during the immutable neglection of forgiveness, which has administered the original immortal aggregation a subliminal duration of interims in order to establish numerical severities which will exclusively become vindicated with influential contributions during cognitive seclusions. Necessitated upon an accordance of emancipation and consistent salvation in order to observe the functions of malevolence, Jake and Adrienne begin to converse about the required and supplimental fortification of confirming their species will triumph which Jake begins to implicate that restitutional preliminaries are influenced to become sustain with morals and clinical terminalities within specific contributions whom are acquired to negotiate vivacious formalities upon a gregarious duration of intervals that will administer the conditional perseverance of impartial subliminaries within accurate degradations as intermediate benevolence has convinced an entire manifestation of righteous sanctions in order to recognize the horrendous measures of confidential excessiveness throughout essential venerations that has reflected nefarious limitations among a distribution of climatical accumulations due towards a maximum of contributed formalities as eccentrical numeralities have ensured to preserve desecrated alignments whom will desire to familiarize superior generosities throughout complicated repercussions that has consorted degraded immunities. Understanding his influential divisions, Adrienne begins to exemplicate that subliminal contingencies whom have necessitated liberated essentials are impaired to qualificate an emotional fulmination of pacification and reconciled cessation that is acknowledging the prevailent vindication in order to congregate essential revulsions during a formidable interim of an accumulated correspondence that assures divisional transgressions due towards an inflictive precaution which have proclaimed rational consummations within an entire degradation of traumatized malfunctions as she conclusively interpretates clinical justifications that are aspired to complicate vindicated assumptions in order to formulate the upcoming transactions that will involve the existences of the indestructible aggregations due to the liberated seclusions which has considered the benevolence of reconstructed dominations whom have negotiated the eccentrical illuminations of adulation and companionship. Innovated with primary divinations that is consisted with the consummation of adversities and calamitic dissipations, André begins to inform Sariah his personal and effective cannotation that interprets how all celestial species decline to be considered pure and authentic which André begins to implicate that nefarious aggregations have conspired to intervene with the upcoming fornications which will conspire to inform a substantial amount of benevolence throughout an entire manifestation of elaborated contentions which has involved subliminal contrivances that recommends a portion of descripted contributions within accumulated limitations in order to acknowledge the preliminated seclusion of various justifications whom have abstained from clinical ordinances among the horrendous retribution that has accomodated the essential and mental venerations whom has became involved with calamitous terminalities that confiscates numerical premintions, due towards a benevolence of elaborated recommendations whom are acquired to consider the imperialism of recognition and substantial contributions in order to necessitate the intermediate liveliness of adorated moralities that are positioned to neglect formidable assurances of reconciliation. Procuring his interventions, Sariah begins to exemplicate that horrendous measurements of neglections have terminated the impending and mental numeralities that has administered the primitive exertions throughout the cordial hemisphere of required adulation that reflects an entire formulation of degraded contributions whom are venerated to transgress an intensified accumulation that has excessively referred to condensational preliminaries whom are aware of delegated essentials throughout the entire liberation that has negotiated severe benevolence that has contained irrational memorandums of vindicative transgressions whom are ridiculed to acknowledge the provisional accordances that is substained among several premitions that are interceded to become gregarious recommendations during condensational intervals whom have secluded previous transactions within rational venerations in order to comprehend accumulated contrivances. Endorsed upon constructive consolidations and amalgamations towards the extensive condensation of integrated vitalities, Dominic and Ariana begin to converse upon the horrendous and atrocious calamities that each of them has caused among previous intervals which Dominic begins to implicate that provisional and substantial ordinances have became assured to fulminate a compatible discretion which is sustain to become influenced with procuring recognition that are consistently instilled with horrendous accumulations throughout an abundance of gregarious interims in order to configure the impending neglections that the malevolent angelic entities have established to familiarize their mental compacities throughout the prominent infatuation that celestial and irrational manifestations are obliged to configure once their internal compendiums have learned to obliged with the effectiveness of degraded limitations, due towards contradictional venerations whom have persuaded the constitutional fulmination to acknowledge subliminal and irrational consummations in order to sustain the limited benevolence which will continue to endure the passionate complications among reconciliated interims whom have became adjusted towards the terminated seclusions that are conspired. Inquiring his provinces, Ariana begins to explicate that primordial contrivances have began to insinuate the compassionate vindications whom are terminated to assure the gregarious precautions that has represented provisional subliminaries throughout an entire accordance of primitive degradations which have became rationalized upon subliminal contributions that are required to neglect the excessive formulations in order to become irrationalized with recessive compressions that have fluncutated among the accumulated preliminaries, due towards a complicated assurance whom are embodied to pretain certain malfunctions that are entitled to contribute towards vindicated limitations within the mental preceptions of clinical formalities as she interpretates that observing the eradications of innocent mortal individuals over the centuries have conspried to become neglecting within her consciousness whom has became immune within the informidable conditions of transcribed ratifications. Captivated towards a stimulating misconception whom is considered to be establish as the irrevocable ascendancies of adulation, Vincent begins to inform Destiny of the blissful and convival appreciation of remaining immune towards the atmosphere’s advancement of time which Vincent begins to implicate that coordinates of forgiveness and imperialistic contractions have learned to seclude the prominent resistence that is based on the transactions of terminated reclusions that are conditioned to provide several accumulations which is based upon prominent discretions that will vindicate illuminated transacations among the essentialized contributions that has tried to excessively illuminate the horrendous premitions of abhorrence and malevolent intuitions throughout the conceptive formalities in order to establish an inquirement that reconciles formidable exigencies among the discretion of benevolence which will conspire to venerate a substantial transgression against atrocious commemorations throughout an eternal existence among the corporeal atmosphere that is consistently prevailed with the limitated veneration of adulated prominence of discretional reconciliation which will excessively advance. Acknowledging his surmises, Destiny begins to explicate that conditional prominences have began to fulminate irrational terminations of seclusional contributions in order to understand a subliminal vindication that is based on a prevailed accusation that can become formidable among the essential numeralities of transparentail degradations whom will necessitate the calamitous benevolence whom has assured the impending duration whom has condemned the existences of celestial immortals whom will oblige the exploitation under limited circumstances that has seceded during intervals whom were recognized to become classified as horrendous and atrocious, due towards a surveillance of numeralities whom are intentionalized to intrigued the liveliness that has become demonished with contributed accumulations in order to sustain the clinical obscurities which will fulminate the denouements of primitive and substantial osculation within a traumatized atmosphere. Divulged upon inceptional conciliations in order to facilitate the inauguration and cordial provenance of initiating incorporeal commencements; Samuel begins to inform Nolan, Lenore, and Vera the requirements of excluding their emotional ancillaries in which can become formidable abberations which Samuel begins to implicate that constitutionalized interims have neglected to assure the prominence of reconstructed illuminations that are accustomed to recognize formidable degradations whom are conspired to venerate the benevolence of limitated osculations within a subliminal interaction that will sustain among the coordinated numeralities which constitued an abundance of reassured pacification and reconciliated cessation throughout an entire lineage whom are conditioned to suppliment the interrogated benevolence that is vigorated to optimize various divisions of malevolent discretions whom are appealed within the mental consciousness that is accustomed towards the upcoming strategics. Acquiring his premises, Lenore begins to exemplicate that primordial contributions have became essentialed with vindicative illuminations which will sustain the incomprehensible suggestions of degraded limitations in order to reconstruct formidable ascendancies within a benevolence that has assured the perseverance of devotive companions that has demostrated the effectiveness of securing beneficial arrangements which will orchestrate the internal consummations that have prevailed among the justificated numeralities whom are destined to acknowledge the influential stabilities due towards the complicated resistance of transcending the regulated conspiracies among the ordinances that have contained vindications. Understanding her benevolence, Nolan begins to implicate that primitive accordances have been eccentrically envisioned with destined moralities among substantial denouements that have reconciled the penetrating formalities of previous adversaries whom wanted to neglect the established commandments that the original congregation of immortals have justificated when their paramounted species abolished within an horrendous atmosphere of existence in order to liberate substantial consummations that will pacificate irregular contributions among turbulences of revulsion and abhorrence which has administered the determined benevolence of honoring the specific adversaries whom has ascended to declare terminations of contentions in order to liberate osculations. Acknowledging his allegations, Vera begins to explicate that contemplational seclusions have determined to cultivate a substantial ordinace of prevailing illuminations that will begin to orchestrate the imperialistic benevolence of fulminating ascensions in order to justificate degraded accusations upon the entire hemisphere whom has coordinated with oppositional denouements that were considered excessively responsible for the inquired necessities whom has assured the perseverance of illuminated and gregarious benevolence due towards a contribution of distabilized manifestations which will be initiated during the upcoming hostilities that will conclude the existence of either aggregations whom are desired among the vindicated discretion of aversion and consistent resentment.

Main Cast[]

Cameron Henderson as Eric
Omar Brown as Vincent
Brandon T. Jackson as André
Tyrekas Lang as Michael
Sydni Watson as Camille
KeKe Hunter as Ariana
Chelsi Glascoe as Isabella
Shannon Kane as Trinity
Booboo Stewart as Dominic
Kathy Valentina as Destiny

Recurring Cast[]

Ashley Thornton as Kristina
Bronson Pelletier as Brian
Shay Mitchell as Selene
Milo Ventimiglia as Leo
Melicia Johnson as Sariah
Anivlis Fernandes as Kate
Terrence J as Scott
Lee Thompson Young as Blake
Derek Theler as Samuel
Drew Van Acker as Nolan
Autumn Reeser as Lenore
Emile De Raven as Vera


1. Abraham's Daughter- Arcade Fire
2. Tomorrow Will Be Kinder- The Secret Sisters
3. Nothing to Remember- Neko Case
4. Safe & Sound- Taylor Swift
5. Dark Days- Punch Brothers
