The Old Ones & The Immortal Chronicles Wiki
Season 13, Episode 2
Episode Information
Air DateOctober 14, 2050
Written ByJoseph Morgan
Directed ByPaul Wesley
Previous EpisodeThe Declaration
Next EpisodeThe Fallen


Fulminated numerations has terminated the previous and accumulated reprimands which has consumed each of the dominant and terminal benedictions which has severed the distinction of illuminated and erroneous boundaries in order to specify the unique and opulent jurisdiction which could supplement the entire reprimands of everlasting adoration and intricate deprivations under perennials. Procured through the horrendous and stimulating manifestations which has become the coordinated infrastructure due to the legitimate determinations, Eric begins to inform Laila of the beneficial and horrendous compilations which ensured their fulminated contrivances as impending are assured within their former domain which consist of the appearances of Carlos, Kira, Adara and Nailah whom have visited in order to accumulate the declaration regarding their sustained premise which Eric begins to implicate that his essentialized conspirations were emancipated among distributive alignments that tormented the increments of his consciousness as it enabled him to formulate a contingency arrangment who would excessively acknowledge the perspective of reasoning among their precise contractions due to the impartial reluctance of admiring the formulative extension that has been known to preliminate incomprehensible adorations that will become mentioned throughout the incrimental allotment of allocation and proportionate disturbances, which allows him to exultate within the accurative consultation that illuminates the representation of numerous discrepancies that became appreciative of the recent destruction that was ignited to eliminate the existence of comminating and spiritual werewolves who wanted to become consistent within annihilated predicaments that assured his companions and the specific celestial that accommodated his personal attributes was considered benefical and unharmed towards the imminent lycanthropes who were consisted with immediate ancestors that awakened from the intagible realm that is required to be corresponded upon immaculated contrivances that exemplifies reasonable explanations in order to feel compassionate and emotional upon the devastating intervals that is approaching their municipal vigorously. Accepting his response, Laila implicates that even though her immune system was contained with absolute amounts of vital fluid that was previously attained within dispensers, she envisioned the previous altercation to be indeavored among more lycanthropes due to the meticulous contingencies of endulging the latest expense that has become aligned among several exertions, which has perpetually informed her that distributive commencments has decided to induct prominent distributions among imminent discernments that selected whether she would become established as an immediate collision that would disregard the arrangments given during the translucent interim that conveyed each contrasting immortal to shift within the indulgering form, which is considered lethal and contagious towards all normal vampires due to the comprehension of understading that after the formidable genesis that osculates the original congregation of immortals has become aknowledged as the one and only assertion that is currently immuned of becoming obliberated at the intensive addendums of unknown immortal entities, which Laila conclusively exemplicates that her primary collaboration was consistently defined towards the incremental supplication of acknowledging the orchestrative divergence between inhumane celestials that were becoming malevolent towards the perrenial justifications of malicious altercations. Enraged upon secluded ramifications and impending justifications, Carlos begins to implicate that since his ceremonial consolidation that occurred within the previous intervals, she has been configuring devastating visions within her mental comprehension that has assigned her to believe that unfortunate occurrences will soon become catastrophic within each of their lives as it has been consistently transpiring among occasional discrepancies that matriculates honesty and devotion towards the specific congregation of immortals whom she has given the remaining interims of her existence towards, which has pertained imminent analogies towards provisional introoductions that is only recommended to become penetrative among the arrival of her companions whom will become fornicated if illuminated exterpations configure formidable matriculations that are becoming exposed and hazardous within an environment that is consisted with mortal individuals who will soon become frantic and distressed towards the complexitive reasons of how she is willing to sacrifice her existence in order to preserve the aftermath and contingencies that are considered required and obligated to accommodate among the influential persistence and debilitations, which Carlos conclusively exemplicates that his conductive resentment is based on presenting the internal qualifications she has obtained over the elucidated interims in order to acknowledges the inferior capabilities that has enhanced her aptitude. Intrigued towards her initiated speculation, Kira implicates that the consciousness of all immortals were designed to be manipulated upon due to the extractions of believing that informidable occurrences can transpire among the imminent consultations that has been known to penetrate the exemption of immortal individuals who eventually became adjusted within a correlation that interpretated ambigous predicaments as it involved the excessive contentment of acknowledging the species she has become in order to remain upon the appearances of her kindred that has perceptionally gone without centuries of getting to know the true individual she was within a mortal perfection that adjusted towards matriculating intoxicated and elaborative delightments whom was taught how to act upon the convergence of a woman instead of a girl due to the penetrative intervals that was excessively established within their anatomies, as she exemplicates that imminent halluncinations will continue to plague her consciousness as it is due to the fact that indiscretional alignments has been inserted into her mind, which has enabled her to become partially frighten that a tribulation is willing to exterminate their intrusive predicament of exhilaration as Kira conclusively implicates that she has been worth experiencing the compatible effectiveness that transpired when she was commissioned as an infant but had eventually ceased it's appearance upon bravery. Astounded regarding the gregarious and illuminated ascendancies which were becoming consolidated through imperfections, Adara begins to excessively implicate that she has been consorted upon numerous of comminating exertions that were originated towards the elusive comprehension of immortals that contained dominated perceptions within his coven due to the fictional perseverance that his internal and external anatomy is considered immune from becoming annihilated at the destructive appendages of all immortal individuals whom has been proclaimed to possess the provisional armament that was accumulated to end his existence along with the entire species of vampires due to the impartionated fact that his existence is considered a temple of love and compassion due to the compressive indignation of consorting within judgemental analogies that has been administered to believe industrious contentment towards the entire atmosphere that is inhabited by the eradicative configurations of celestial entities that are engaging in destructive publicities in order to resolve their existence among a dillusional preference that believes his existence is considered like other normal supernatuals that were created after his conceiving declination that is primarily based upon the extraordinary interpretation of acknowledging detrimental occurrences that will soon become determined towards the internal creature that is eager to be released from it's innovative containment of abomination and malevolence that obliberates all correlations within horrendous osculations of love. Comissioned upon her exertion, Nailah exemplicates that his intenal reconcilation will not become based on vengenace and immediation that his previous adversaries required among their distinctive contributions but to appreciate the effectiveness that one congregations of assailants can cause upon the entire atmosphere of celestial individuals who will exceed through all interpretations he would be able to orchestrate through the impersonation of numerous human affiliates that will be acknowledged to inform the entire civilization of mortals upon the northern and southern hemisphere that excessiveness of supernatural entities has been indeavored within the translucent compromise of other victims that has acclaimed becoming mentally nuetralized and manipulated by specific and indestructible beings that has been envisioned to become announced with extensive formalities that are inquired to believe the extirpation of living among the entire atmosphere for eternal purposes due to the alignment of containing the immortal gene and monumental qualifications that distinguishes specific individuals apart from the current environment that has been secluded upon peace and prosperity as he exonerates on the perpetual and formidable contingencies that his upcoming arrangement will be established to effectively devour the entire matriculation and existence of the supernatural distinctions that represent informidable alignments. Allured within predominant numerations whom could begin to replicate the optional degradations of adoration and detrimental conflictions based on numerical compositions, Ayana and Jamia begin to converse about the terminal liberations that was emphasized through the internal oscillation of nature as the vindication is ensured through the cousin Erin whom has numerated within the supernatural dominion which Ayana begins to implicate that her congregation of indestructible immortals has been through comminating exertions that has fluncutated among contrasting preliminaries in ordert to apprehend the excessive moments and analogies that are awakening with inferior and tremendous acknowledgment, which has become ordained and illusioned towards the entire existence of his celestial determination that has emulated among the centuries as a feeling that can never be obtained within the particular accession of reminiscing among the specific intervals that was prevented within illuminated conjectures that is often known to proximate the upcoming inertia's, whom are considered erroneous and abberant within a elabortated and construction coven whom will want to obliberate the projected appearances of the immortals responsible for consumating the entire provocation of inhabitants that has been officially declared and announced at the orchestrated ideal of remaining collisioned within accessible contingencies as it enables immediate involvment throughout the municipal, which has been previously updated among the discretions and complicated preliminaries that is consorted to become acknowledged and understandable based on imminent reprocussions as Ayana conclusivey exemplicates that her intensified recogntion will intend on preserving his formulation. Acknowledging her correlations, Jamia exemplicates that their previous contentions has been based on the effectiveness that formidable contrivances are known to cause among the distributed affections that are described to become impassionate and versatile towards the imperfections that has been declared among her existence since she was transfigured into a vampire that was predominantly intrigued towards the vital fluid that is contraining the liveliness of all human individuals whom should never become aware of her existence that reflects the moralities of accepting the fact that he is pronounced as configurative and perrenial as she reluctantly implicates that she has lived among numerous of centuries to experience the internal feelings of suffering and handling the obliberation and extinction of a beloved individual that has plagued her existence with regret and indestructive alignments as it has effectively progressed over the accumulated reasons of how her correlations of perceptions would harmonize the indefinite conspiracies of compassion and intimacy that was described to become nervous and infatuated towards the exemplified formation of an immortal beings that is reluntantly trying inflexible in order to accustom their companions and adversaries among a condensational measure of orchestating competitive assurances within proportionate osculations that will eventually entwine the effective correlations. Segregated through their impending and consolidated rumination based on her arrival, Erin begins to implicate that during her entire lifetime among the beginning stages of the inhabitated atmosphere, he was becoming involved within the essence and personification of mortal women that he would conspire to lure a perception of many within his residential compartment in order to consume each amount of vital fluid from their cervix that contained undeniable advantages that would become certain and correlated among his entire congregation of indestructible immortals whom were also established as the significant celestials that would excessively acknowledge the discretions and comtemporaries in order to pertain the effectiveness of his species as he would indeavor to explain the formalities of compelling most of the deceased women he was primarily known for obliberating upon magnificent increments that is excessively apprehensive to unravel disturbing and imminent conspirations he was known to congregate and ignite upon the adversaries who seeked vengeance with illuminated exceptions that has plagued osculated discrepancies towards immaculated conjectures that has been transpired to matriculate upon excessive magnifications that were entitled towards the effectiveness of certain immortals that envisioned their corresponded alignments to attain insufficient preliminaries towards his existence. Oscillated from the upcoming matriculation which has endured the postulated and numerical constellation which has stimulated the internal recreations, Ariana begins to inform Dominic about the gregarious assurances that is liberating the traditional numerations which consists of supplemental perennials and bountiful orchestrations based on subliminal vexations which Dominic begins to exemplicate that since the obliberation of the recent congregration of werewolves each of them were responsible for relinquishing, he decided to intrude upon recent resolutions that were accessible to occur more than numerous of centuries ago as he recommends that each contrasting species were preliminated within a destructive altercation that their ancient companions were involved among in order to preserve the effectiveness of both elements due to the understatement of never acknowledging the assessment of a confrontation but to come together as an impairment of supernatural creatures that are considered spectacular and ordained to be establish as eternal adversaries towards their lineage, which he cultivates on the suggestion that the previous altercation had occurred because the essential compacities of werewolves want to obtain the globalized equalization that vampires are known to interact upon since the genesis of the original congregation that each of their prime assets are established within in order to contradict peace and prosperity among the human civilization whom are considered glorious upon the fact that their concurring lives are not involved in comminating altercation throughout the centuries and millenniums their species has been existing as Dominic conclusively implicate that he has configured upcoming discretions in order to reclaim the penetrative exetions. Acknowledging his proclamation, Ariana begins to implicate that she has been excessively aware of each detailed preliminaries that has transpired among the centuries that dealt with both contrasting species due to the incentive of hearing his grandfather discuss the infatuated perrenials that were sustain within the nuetralized environment when the altercation has secluded his residential compartment as he insinuates how his sibling had no choice but to transfigure upon his lycanthrope form in order to obliberate as many opposing celestials as possible in order to preserve the lives of his entire congregation that reflected the essence and sense of compassion and regret, dealing with considerate accumulations that is primarily based on proceeding with righteous descriptions that would exist among eternal reasoning due to all contingencies he was able to question within but conducted his mental consciousness to forbid itself from extracting further details about the previous confrontation as it was proclaimed and known to obliberate numerous of lives among both species as Ariana conclusively explicates that she was assurred to remember among his mental stabilities that his kind was nearly driven to extinction, which is persistently based on the conceptiveness of not secluding the immortal gene at the promiscuous interim and due to acknowledgement that his concersions are truly considered superior within the globalized reflection. Accepting her point of view, Dominic exemplicates that he has only been known to consume the vital fluid of industrial mortal individuals due to the compressive illumination of enhancing his internal qualifications that merely depend on the effectiveness that his immune system has become used to over the centuries he has been existing among the environment. Reclaiming his penetrative state of mind, Ariana implicates that his required decision has been based on becoming the opposite of his primary adversaries as he considered that while he was conducted within his lycanthrope form, a contradicting and explorated alignment was presumed to be established as complicated and intrusive until he learned to appreciate it's beneficial proceedings, as Dominic acknowledges with dominative effectiveness. Diluted upon the entire infrastructure which has remained cognizant of the subliminal and oscillated recreations whom has become the assigned limitations, Gordon and Helena begin to converse about the divergent manifestations in order to recommend and determine the succulent perennials that is becoming contained within justified transgressions and imminent dominions which Gordon begins to implicate that his siblings has been orchestrated to indeavor the required prosperity of their ancestors who has been designed to preliminate infurative prospections that has been based on preserving the existence and illuminated observance of the only ancient congregation of immortals who has secluded to become the superior officials of the supernatural government who has been commenced within distributive analogies that focuses on the exertive preliminaries, which conducts and prescribes evolutionary interactions as it has become a required incentive that his siblings recommended throughout the everlasting existence among an environment that will consistently become needed to comprehend under seclusions whom are capable of explaining the ambigous alignments as it is known to communicate within exploited diversions that has guranteed full observations among the imminent environment he has been known to facilitate upon, which Gordon conclusively exemplicates that his progression along the centuries has became prominent and monumental that is based on the exertions of never indulging in catastrophic amendments upon the alluded conspiracy to become influential and demanding towards his existence and commination of liberated discrepancies whom are able to neglect the considerations of peace and retribution. Accepting the alignment, Helena begins to implicate that her constructive analogies are based on never contradicting the previous altercation he has been obtained within that has been depressing to discuss as it is due to the fact that her constuctive eliminations has been based among illuminated expenses and administered a prominent existence among the liveliness of accepting her immortal gene that was distributed within her excruciating transfiguration into a newborn celestial that provided her complexion with infuriative consequences of selecting an eternal regiment that will depend on the amounts of vital fluid she consumes from a mere human individual as she declines that obtaining the qualifications of manipulating the consciousness and figmentations of mortal beings has become conflicted with industrial elaborations that configures preliminal expressions, which mentally informs her and the companions that are required to acknowledge is exceptionally based on contracting sophisticated ambitions that primarily renovates according to the commandments that has been required to acknowledge as it proclaims to be acknowledged as imminent discretions whom are able to decide whether she has been administered the correctional existence that would administer her acceptance within a supernatural atmosphere that contains forgiveness and conflicting accusations. Ordained towards her inclinations, Gordon explicates that he has been designed to believe a formulated conception that is based on the constructive and imminent annhilations of constructive emulations that will presribe monumental interims whom will focus on comminating predictions of obliberation and awakenings. Believing to be economical, Helena exemplicates that she has governed among a dispostional configuration that explains her mental perceptions of acknowledging the primary consultation that will conflict figurative accusations and declarative commandments as it contemplates on the primitive alignments that her existence has been based on, which Gordon acknowledges exceptionally. Reprimanded among the convenience of former and impending declarations which could begin to illuminate separate determinations that has witnessed boundaries, André begins to inform Sariah regarding the erroneous postulation in order to confirm the intriguing and granulated terminals based on the cultivation of everlasting ascendancies which Sariah begins to implicate that her primary intentions of accepting her inhumane species was never based on the lust of consuming the vital fluid from human individuals, but to formulate peace and prosperity towards the inclining generations of the mortal species whom conducted everlasting altercations that would last upon the exceeding interims and result in imminent obliberation of innocent companions whom were only trying to co-exist among a civilized correlation of immortals who had condemned their existence as a regret that was permitted to become annihilated under false presentations as she exemplicates that her siblings were considered the specific celestials to administer fluncutated and prosperous contingencies among the current atmosphere each of them are collided upon, due to the reclusive amount of relinquishing all disturbing adversaries from their strategic emulations that tried to indeavor the superior government that has only been established to guide all immortals within a conductive tribulation, which will eventually distribute prospective accusations among the eternal attributes that can be considered destructive if used upon the incorrect substances that are required to be exterminated under all preference, which Sariah conclusively implicates that her primary exertion was established to recognize the impartial supplimentation of how all celestial individuals can evetually settle their disagreements. Acknowledging her predictions, André begins to implicate that his constructive configurations has been preliminated to orchestrate inductive contributions whom are admitted to become peaceful and elaborated within the accurate projection that has been assigned and established towards the emulative speculations, which has been given towards his conduction of being with her through all the catastrophic contingencies that was known to occur under primitive exemptions as he cultivates the imaginary distribution of imminent convulsions that has become immune within osculation that describes the estimation of contradicting experiences, which preliminates calamitic repercussions that are engraved to become obligations of conserving the human civilization from promiscuous illuminations that are occupied within the arrangements of upcoming adversaries who are eagered and anxious to declare a comminative confrontation with her siblings, whom would be described as indestructible towards all civilized immortals that inherits the enhanced qualifications that were inherited from the internal anatomies from the original coven, which André conclusively exemplicates that his distribution of conspiracies had depended upon emulations that began to protest against formulative compressions that recent oppositions were responsible for annihilating upon due to the impressional disturbances that has been occurring among his civilization. Ordained upon restructive hallucinations, Sariah exemplicates that her contingent assessments has been based upon consorting with the illuminations of persisting their species with excructiating cotemptions that will be occurring within distributive alignments of acknowledging the achievements of all supernatural individuals that are proceeding to become confidential. Commissioned with obligated expectations, André implicates that he has been known to remain within her ancillary due to the participated convergence of becoming infatuated upon her personality and who she is considered to be as it has never been conditioned with her conspiracies of being an immortal whom is capable of love and compassion, which Sariah acknowledges irrevocably. Admired through the erroneous stimulation which could insinuate the traditional and accustomed benedictions that is stimulating alliances, Selene and Kristina begin to converse regarding the entire duration of time liberated from the required and imperative oscillation which could fulminate the erroneous accumulations due to the innovative transgressions which Kristina begins to implicate that he has envisioned illuminated exertions of pertaining an existence among his immediate siblings that is congested with distributive properties that is consistently preliminated with endulging encantations that can provide them with industrious and everlasting afflictions that would recommend comminating towards the upcoming adversaries with destructive reasoning due to the perception of viewing their life filled with exhilaration becoming obliberated at the appendages of matriculating dispositions whom will be able to consort among dispositional occurrences whom will be acknowledged as impervious discernments, which are courageously formed within the choices and decisions selected by various immortals who has recently proclaim to become vigorously exhiled among consuming the penetrating source of a flunctuated human individuaul who is irrevocably consisted with a manipulated congregation of younger inceptions that are truly grateful for residing within an environment of prosperous indignations, which is described to be compulsive and obligated to constract required instillations whom are created to view the daily assumptions of each celestial that is comprehensive to ambulate among the jurisdiction of affiliations as Kristina conclusively exemplicates that he is intrigued to attain reconciliation among their environment. Ascertain among his disposition, Selene implicates that when she dawned upon a magnificent delusion that involved the contractional imperfection of her species, it was considered to be classified as unknown and guranteed to ambulate within diffusional and relentless speculation that has been commissioned upon exclusive recognition, which inclinational advisements begin to access the importance of not recessitating a comminating altercation that is required to obtain the lives of specific celestials who are anxious to preserve the terrain that has been established to become penetrative and concerned with unfortunate encantations that involves the life extensiveness of all supernatural entities that tries irrevocably indurated to create an existence whom will no longer become nuetralized with excrutiating configurations of specific adversaries that are obliged to infiltrate the exceeded measurement of remaining within a atmosphere than contains the inhabitated liveliness of human contributions whom are considered to be appreciative towards the complicated adjustment whom will reluctantly anticipate irrevocable judgement, which will credentialized the recommendation of persisting astonishing increments of happiness and prosperity as Selene conclusively exemplicates that her incremental objections has been demonstrated to become irreversible within indestructible complacents that involve the inferior connection of distilled analogies. Acknowledging her assumption, Kristina implicates that her primary perseverance has become his required occupation in order to remain stabilized towards the civilization of mortal individuals who is engaged to become his adversaries if her anatomy is obliberated at the appendages of consistent desolations that are immuned to become organized within intentional distubances. Accumulated among observative intentions, Selene implicates that her suggestive preliminaries are based on the illuminated encantations of primary qualications that their species are administered once the transfiguration has elaborated under all speculative instillations, which is recommended to become conservative among intentional and fraudalent expectancies, as Kristina acknowledges with influential dispositions. Bounded within the suffrage of internal and destined adoration which was administered during the specific ordination which emphasized prevalent confirmation, Eric begins to inform Alissa of the gregarious and horrendous stimulation that was imperative and required to be established as dissipating the sins from her psychological state of mind is the modern objective which Eric begins to implicate that commencing within obstructive contemplations that is inhabited among their atmosphere has become intensified with aggrevational discrepancies within their intrusive correlations of acknowledging the excessive contradiction of remaining fraudalent towards the ambigous commandments that her brother was responsible for creating due to the imperfection each of their dominative species were administered during the beginning of each compartment that was represented towards the compassionate effectiveness that involved the intimidation towards the origins of her existence, which was known to be consisted with dispositional congruencies that formed when each of her siblings began to consume the requiremented vital fluid in order to determine the persistence of their eternal lives that will never become obliberated at the appendages of numerous complexities that are considered detrimental towards his anatomy if he tries to become formulated upon inceptional terminations, which Eric conclusively exemplicates that she has become instilled within their distinctive consolidation that has permitted her internal consiousness to love and comfort the intellectual imagination of his exemptional configurations, which has administered her entire embodiments to alleviate the construction of immortal substances and abbervative conditions. Ordained upon influential circumstances, Alissa exemplicates his intentional disposition has mentally informed his consiousness that he would resist the exertion of remaining upon an atmosphere that will never contain the increments of her internal charisma and personality that is described to be effectively monumental throughout the complexities of acknowledging the fact that she was changed his entire conception of how to view the disadvantages of his existence, which became to obtain the immortal chromosome that enable him to configure the amplitude of enduring the consistent affection that he would be obliged to share with her during the interpretations that excludes the prominent contingencies of acknowledging what is established as the required emulations that is known to permit unconditional compassion and inevitable resentment upon the exigencies administered within his entire anatomy that is able to display his intimate conjectures as it considered undeniable as he exonerates that his entire existence has been based upon preserving the contrivances of his sister and how she has enbabled him to impersonate courage and determination as it would be needed to obliberate upcoming adversaries that will intend restraining the anatomies of each companion whom was able to assist their accommodations while annihilating the previous congregation of werewolves and their spiritual ancestors, which Alissa conclusively exonerates her appreciation among other discretions. Acknowledging his enterprise, Eric implicates that she has never inform his consiousness to observe her existence while each of them are contained among destructive tribulations that are considered imminent, as she declares that he is able to provide her with eternal happiness and endearment as he is consistently remaining among her life. Establishing his confession, Alissa begins to explicate that he has never wished upon comminating discrepancies among her siblings but only appreciates the devotion that his congregation of lycanthropes has been assisted during the catastrophic contingencies each of them has been involved within since their infromative introduction, which Eric acknowledges perceptionally. Regulating the former oppositions among the potential cultivation which has illuminated the intervals limited through subservient oscillations, Camille and Blake begin to discuss the impending alternatives regarding their imminent matriculation to eradicate the oscillated postulation which consists of predominant limitations which Camille begins to implicate that throughout the entire existence of her formidable anatomy whom been able to dwell upon conservative accusations, she announced the strategic amendment of sustaining peace and confirmation within their environment as it was becoming plagued with imminent surveillances of adversaries who were excetionally jealous towards the encantation of their superior government that is consisted with six specific immortals whom are immune of becoming obliberated during all conceptions that is promoted to be catastrophic if exerted among the inaccurate appendages, which has been able to supplicate the meaning of what is considered contingent based on the exertion of admitting what is typcially accessible within the intentional construction of debilitated assurances as she exonerates her formative opinion of remaining within the assigned dominion is due to reside with the specific celestial she has administered her intimate and compassionate soul towards, which is described as an articulate osculation she never envisioned when she had become ascertain towards the infatuation of being in love with her former companion as she conclusively implicates intriguing devastations will soon come to an exclusional end due to the fact that the original coven of immortals will never become extinct among the preliminaries that are orchestrated. Accepting her response, Blake exemplicates that he has never been aware that she pertained an imminent absoration towards himself due to him becoming diligent and acknowledging the basic accumulation of her reluctantly obtaining the inconsistent attention of her former love intrest who is currently among the original immortals whom is known to give birth towards the entire formations of vampires as he begins to implicate that since his transfiguration into a compressive lycanthrope that is only known to conspire among illuminated nights as it has been established as the primitive contingencies of afflicting among distracting assortments that is recognized within compassionate osculations that is known to become indestined with prominent accusations and immediate corruptions, which he exonerates his perspectives of annihilating the reason why his internal attributes have been contemplating out of control within the preservations of innocent human individuals he has obliberated among the previous interims of his supernatural conjectives due to the contractions of not becoming able to excessively abberate his lycanthrope attributes as it is described to be considered painful and excruciating during the first several months of triggering the curse that is distilled within his anatomy until the apex of the illuminated crescent has appeared within the empyrean. Estranged through the desired and reflective transgressions whom could granulate among the legitimate numeration which is classified as terminal, the prestigious woman identified as Clarissa appears to two ordained witches presented as Leviticus and Mathias whom has stimulated the assurances of her upcoming justification for initiating her modern objective which Clarissa begins to implicate that once she was informed of who the unknown individual was and the information he pertained within his consciousness was considered to be emulative due to the fact that he was never aware of specific celestials who are proclaimed to be established as human personification that has indeavored the internal chromosome of living among the atmosphere for eternal purpose and containing most of the impervious qualification that species are immuned towards, as he exonerates that once he was able to ackowledge the configuration upon his arrival that was apprehensive upon the perseverance of accepting the occupational assistence of obliberating their entire congregation of immortal supernaturals that has been retained among all destructive armaments, which has been proclaim to be acknowledged as their primary weakness in order to defend and frigten the specific celestials who fear the expectation of becoming oblberated within the appendages of commecing adversaries whom are unable to contradict within an existence that could adjusted with happiness and prosperity under all deviant and immaculated circumstances, as Clarissa conclusively exemplicates that is commenceful judgement was based on the effectiveness he has observed within the provocations of assorting the remnants of his existence among perpetual contingencies that are considered inevitable. Acknowledging her perspective, Leviticus begins to implicate he has never configured the required reasons of why multitudes of adversaries would become anxious and eager to obliberate the existence of all supernaturals that contain prominent qualifications that has been administered within their anatomies for specific reasoning in order to proclaim the balance of nature, which has been recommended towards numerous of immortal individuals whom are considered companions of their coven and how each of them can bring upon the accurate affiliation towards the provocative meaning of consortign and co-existing within the human civilization that should never become aware of their intensified existence that has been known and established as the kind to consume the required vital fluid from their contemptous cervical area and manipulate the consciousness due to the fact that most mortal beings would never become able to recognize the imminent actualizations that has been sustain within their assumptions for becoming ordained in the compassionate debiliatations of anticipated requirements, which Leviticus conclusively implicates that each of them nor their immediate companions should become intensified and stressed with the emancipated declaration of formulating catastrophic arrangements in order to obliberate the congregation of assailants who are intensively capable of obliberating newborn immortals that is permitted within their compatible species. Transcended through the horrendous and justified inclination based on ramifications, Mathias exemplicates that the only prenunciation she is able to acquire among the specific atmosphere each of them are pertained within is established as a configurative assortment, which has been admitted to become recognized among the exertions of sacrificing the committed osculations for a coven of supernaturals whom has been considered to formulate contrasting dissertations that is known to focus on the primitive assumptions of believing in what informal contingencies can occur if their species is seen conversing with the primary adversary that has been known to ignite the epic confrontation between each of the legendary conspirators as it was due towards contemplative emulations that has been elabortated to exist among unfortunate preliminaries that deals with indifferent correlations within their residential compartment of excessive resentment as it is only obliged among instinctive predicaments involving the remaining assumptions of all immortals who has been specified with a purpose to acknowledge towards the transfiguration each of them were pertained among, as Mathias conclusively exemplicates that it has been considered their discretional requirements to formulate numerous of supplication in order to preserve the effectiveness of their environment if upcoming alignments are observed to penetrate and obliberate their companions. Opulent upon the severed boundaries which has stimulated the erroneous replications of adorned numerations and beneficial oscillations, Michael begins to inform Kate about gregarious orchestrations which will become the sustaining and admired postulation in order to preserve the formidable vessel and establishment determined through faith which Michael begins to implicate that his primary occupation within his current existence has become established towards recognizing the expulsive encantation that he is considered his father and the absolute gaurdian of his eternal existence that was commissioned to occur under all preferences due to the beneficial contrivance of distributing affirmations within his consciousness in order to inform him that their immediate siblings will consistently become infuriated among the conceptional increments of destructional altercation, but each of them must gurantee their devotion and loyalty towards a constant prelimination whom is configured and established by his brother who has been accumulating each commandment within the environment in order to comprehend through the minds of each celestial that will define honor in collaborating with each other against a congregation whom has acknowledge their primary assets and objective to be accomplished within industrial complexities, which will bring about an informidable exigency of communating accusations that will tend to annihilate each perception given under the assortive demonstrations as Michael conclusively implicates that his extended obligation has been to preserve the existence of each immortal whom is acclaimed to be compassionate within his internal anatomy, which will eventually recessitate among distributive complication. Agreeing with him, Kate implicates that she has been configuring the requirements needed in order to maintain the stability of their indestructible kindred that is due to the figmentation of allowing the complicated adjustment to be presumed under illuminated pretenses, which were involved in the orchestrated collision of acknowleding the point of view given within the specific interim as he exonerates on the configurative arrangement that will become accustomed towards the inherited and detrimental analogy that has exorted within indestructional occurrences in order to establish the obligated preference of negotiating contemplated interims that will eventually magnitude the complicated assurance of existing within the entire environment of the human civilization that will not be aware of the final confrontation that will become exceeded within the suggestive intervals as it is primarily necessary to adjust upon due to the fact that each conceptional contingency will be confirmed among stages that will exclude to prevent his mother and the love of his life from becoming annihilated at the appendages of relentless assailants that has required imminent destructiveness towards all superntural beings that acquire specific adjustments that has became established towards the comminating reflection towards the balance of nature, which Kate conclusively implicates that her final allegation will remain absolute. Conducting informative accusations, Michael beings to exemplicate that further adjustments will be commissioned towards the indignation of his uncle due to the affirmative exception that it was considered his entire preference to keep each companion stabilized within precautions in order to configure emancipated obliberations. Acknowledging his decision, Kate implicates that her devotion is primarily indicated to be established as considerate in order to retain exemplicative alignments that is benefited within compulsive preliminaries as it would keep each individual he cares for under the obligated surveillance that will become condensed within expulsive formalities, which Michael understands irrevocably. Strained among cordial and bountiful irrigations which could begin to manipulate the erroneous and undermining misconception based on adulation, Rowan and Jake begin to converse about reprimands whom has begun to oscillate the previous vexations in order to initiate the external agreement based on subliminal orchestrations and determinants which Rowan begins to exemplicate that is has never been formulated within his centuries of existing among the atmosphere that is pertained towards the effectiveness of ambulating among conditional areas in order to adjust the illuminated perception of containing emotional and stabilized resentment within the accused individuals who are mentally consorted towards wanting their species annihilated upon indestructible reasoning that is dealt with the consersative analogies of existing within indiscretional celestials whom are commissioned within obligated incentives, which has been established among his entire congregation of siblings whom are conservative and introductional among the formalites of attaining the abberant alignments that will consort among dillusional increments of time as he explicates that remaining among the world has never been considered an contemplative issue within his existence in order to terminate the emotional state of mind he had indeaoved when his immune system became weak and engraved towards the illumination of persistence and comprehensive assistence, which has been administered among his ascension of retaining the only attribute that has become known and exhilarated among unattained observation and determination as Rowan conclusively exemplicates that he has only been aware that devotion is considered prominent. Assorted towards his thesis, Jake implicates her competitive assistance will become required if their immediate arrangement will become to excessively obliberating each member consisted within the assailant coven, whom has emerged within their atmosphere in order to declare a comminating contention among each contrasting celestial that are obtained with destructive and harmonious capabilities that is used only for the incomprehensible recession of mankind and to restore the balance of nature as it has been proceeding to indeavor imminent discretions that will represent each premise among immaculated decisions that has been created in order preserve the effectiveness and capacity towards each condensational realm that is consisted within the existence of mortal race as it has been endulged to never become aware of anticipated formalities that is conceptionally dealt with the penetrative exemptions as it was given and intrusive towards the true meaning of never acknowledging the formidable reason of capturing the discretional environment of prevoking each interval within her emotional anatomy, which Jake conclusively exemplicate that each primitive distinction is given to ensure their stabilized assertions in order to enforce the consciousness to become manipulated towards the extensive calamities that will become acknowledged over time. Commissioned towards the obligated objective, Rowan begins to explicate that informative contemplation has been assurred to progress along the essential reason for wanting her existing among the atmosphere due to the fact that he is considered provocative and vulnerable without her emancipated contraction, which has been known to administer him the strength and consortment. Acknowledging his conception, Jake implicates that her required informative will be based on the conjections of acquiring the formulated and internal alignments that will discover the informative compassion of elucidating mere qualifications among the competitive endearment of satisfaction and elaborated salutations as Rowan understands perceptionally. Intrigued regarding the sufficient and terminal deprivations which was primarily responsible for eradicating the essential interims of desolated postulations, Vincent begins to inform Destiny of the traditional and oscillated compositions in order to develop the succulent transgressions that is regulated to determine the erroneous and aligned formulation which Destiny begins to implicate that the particular adjustment has never been contained within her consiouness that is known to affect each contribution that has become excelled and contingent among discretional tribulations as it was primarily confirmed with obligated contractions in order to credentialized the perseverance and dedication among the siblings that has remain excessively contingent and resoluted due to the fact that inferior assertions were accustomed of becoming neglected towards the admiration and veneration of deciding whether penetrative alignments will become commissioned upon the reluctance and informative speculation that will be designed to capture the essence and sensibility of irregular complications that has been required to consider within the fictional correspondence of eliminating the discretional exertions that will be destined to be recognized as infuriated conceptions, which will primarily assure informidable declarations in order for each of their anatomies to exert pressure among the trials and tribulations that has been accustomed towards releasing the stress and anxiety as it has established commensive attainments in order to desolate the indestructional contingencies as Destiny conclusively exemplicates that her entire announcements has been subjected upon informidable incentives that will become all but courage and destiny. Accepting her analogies, Vincent implicates that since her intimate relationship has been known to originate confidential ascensions that would eventually become acknowledge towards the proclamated connections, she has been previously informed that she is able to construct in each personal deformations to let make her consciousness aware that commencing in detrimental occurrence with other female immortals would be established as intellectual and catastrophic among the primitive requirements of learning how to consort upon promiscuous affirmations within his residential jurisdiction in order to learn of the affectionate and pernicious advantages that has been conditioned and explained among dillusional morals and values that is currently acknowledged within indistinctive corruptions of bargaining the production that represents cognitive assurance of eradicating the compressions and illuminations upon malevolent aspirations that is known to occur within terrains in order to acknowledge the sensational osculation of administering her internal and emotional surveillance towards the specific and original immortal whom has captured her existence since she became prominently aware of his relation within the specific compartment he has been addressed within love and compassion, which Vincent conclusively exemplicates that her allegiance and adoration will be administered. Commenced upon her correlation, Destiny implicates that her siblings has been considered the supernatural entities to instill within her state of mind that all male immortals are accustomed of preliminating their specific interims with other females that appears to be fraudalent and conditioned within anticipated formalities as it would be announced as sincere. Engaged upon her conspiracies, Vincent exemplicates that her lineage of original immortals has provided her with the informative perceptions of never departing from a reluctance of commissioned observations that has been eagered to estimate consistent exaltation towards the imminent congregation of formidable references, which Destiny contends to acknowledge graciously. Enraged towards the distinction of succulent and jubilated regulations whom are becoming consolidated with numerical and intricate formations, Adrienne and Laila begin to oscillate the entire terrain which has been stagnant with the external limitations towards establishing sustenance within formidable and beneficial coordination which Adrienne begins to implicate that among the detrimental interims of learning how to invade her emotional and configurative nature that is secluded to become intriging in order to establish the exceptional conspiracies that is perrenial to become unstrained with indiscretional formalities in order to admit the apprehensive reasoning of acknowledging the immortal celestial she has become in order to permit preservation and dignification around the entire congregation of human individuals as it has provided her with the irrevocable alignments that is considered comprehensive to become established within detrimental advantages, which has proven to become immune within all of the degenerate and malevolent compensation she has shown towards her particular creator that has enabled her consciousness to follow each directed commandment in order to congregate upon sadistic immaculations that is instilled to become atrocious and vicious among the objective in retributional contingecies that will be obliged to mentally exert upon numerous of discrepancies that is aligned to be established as uncivilized credentials, which would be inducted among contemplated illusions that will become inexorable as she conclusively exonerates that her inhumane supplications has been perceived upon vengeful tactics that will plague each consistent formulation in order to illuminate detrimental observances. Accepting her theory, Laila implicates that even though she has never experienced the existence of her contrasting species whom are effectively required to consume the vital fluid from live human individuals can be gratified and commissioned among an idea that secludes the reasons for her kind becoming intentionally observed among the illuminated night that administers them their full compacity of obliberating any adversaries that tries to harm or eradicate companions that are aligned within their correlations that has been known to emulate contigent prospectives in order to preserve the contrivance and abnormal desolation of permitting the actual fundamentals that is consisted with requirements, which she exonerates on the perception of becoming aware of the previous and originating existence that her intimate counterpart had experienced during the genesis of the original coven whom has presented effective regulations of never eradicating the existence of human entities in order to acclaim their supernatural government as superior and aligned due to the fact that preserving imminent and condesational contractions have been exultated within calamitic occurrences as it is known to commence upon disruptive correlations among the interim that will transpire upon illuminated receptions in order conclude the penetrating measurements of luminous conspiracies, which Laila conclusively exemplicates that her devotion will remain upon the accurate obligations. Confirming her exemption, Adrienne implicates that over the previous interims and obtaining the mental qualifications of disciplining her capabilities has become established as nuetral adjustments that will take time to configure among the numerative circumstances that has been known to become comissioned and demonstrated within reality. Exultating her allegiance, Laila implicates that her intenal anatomy has been promiscuously astonished towards the fact that her son has contained happiness in his life due to the prominent choice in women he has selected, which emulates her recognition of projecting commencements that will inform her the preliminated allegations that are considered punctual among other adversaries, which Adrienne acknowledges genuinely. Numerated upon the vindicated elucidation as Kira and Nailah are terminating within the municipal that is inevitable to accumulate, Carlos and Adara begin to converse about the required postulations to consider upon the impending desolations which is classified as subliminal and irregular until the gregarious alteration of Clarissa appears along with her modern companions whom are denounced as Mathias and Leviticus. Regulated with the intriguing numeration of her presence, Carlos informs Clarissa of her inaccurate justification for intruding within the imminent dominion of the original aggregation as her liberal and cultivated alignment has failed to neglect substantial permutations which results in Mathias and Leviticus conjuring the inevitable liberations against Adara whom begins to stimulate the horrendous infliction originating within her internal nucleus which concludes in Mathias and Leviticus extracting the gratified nucleus of Adara whom collapses into opulent eradication. Enraged and distraught with horrendous benedictions, Carlos rapidly ensures within Clarissa’s formidable postulation and begins to extract his vindication within her reclusion but is fulminated with numerical degradations as Clarissa begins to address that her vital fluid is consisted with atrocious poison that is capable of eradicating subordinate immortal celestials based on the purities of her species which results in Carlos becoming condensed with grief and humility as he views the oscillated corpse of Adara. Illuminated with the required termination, Clarissa departs with the gregarious intention reflected upon the original aggregation as she informs Mathias and Leviticus of their impending and degraded objective.

Main Cast[]

Cameron Henderson as Eric
Omar Brown as Vincent
Tyrekas Lang as Michael
Brandon T. Jackson as André
Sydni Watson as Camille
KeKe Hunter as Ariana
Grace Gealey as Laila
Jaden Smith as Gordon
Logan Browning as Helena
Booboo Stewart as Dominic
Kathy Valentina as Destiny
Justine Lattimore as Alissa

Recurring Cast[]

Jessica Lucas as Ayana Bennett
Heather Hemmens as Jamia Bennett
Ashley Thornton as Kristina
Shay Mitchell as Selene
Melicia Johnson as Sariah
Anivlis Fernandes as Kate
Lee Thompson Young as Blake
Nick Dawson as Rowan
Theresa Palmer as Adrienne
Ryan Sandberg as Jake
Aleera Smith as Clarissa
Jesse Masao as Leviticus
Turner Williamson as Mathias
Bria Stone as Erin Bennett

Guest Cast[]

Harrison Knight as Carlos
Michelle Veratos as Adara
Lucy Hale as Kira
Camilla Belle as Nailah
Zendaya as Jane Martinez
Cassie as Evelyn Martinez
Lenora Hastings as Gwendoline
Chelsi Glascoe as Isabella
Keshia Chanté as Lorena
Jake Morrison as Gareth
Patricia Henderson as Sybil
Reign Gresham as Yvonne
Alicia Wright as Thea
Gwen Brooks as Lucille
Nicholas Cruz as Manuel


1. Our Hearts: Sleeping Wolf
2. All the Way: Billie Holiday
3. Stubborn Love: The Lumineers
4. Changing Tides: The Fray
