The Old Ones & The Immortal Chronicles Wiki
Season 10, Episode 4
Episode Information
Air DateDecember 27, 2019
Written ByJulie Plec
Directed ByBill Condon
Previous EpisodeIntricate Manifestation Among Vindictive Postulations
Next EpisodeRefinitive Conclusions Within Integrative Benedictions


Assuring classificated obstructions among the debilitated manifestation of pretaining the internal condition of adorated pacification and mutilated cessation in order to begin qualificating vexational preliminaries during an intensified and vexational debilitation that is required to liberate benevolent conceptions upon the entire dominion of immortal congregations. Classificating malignant deprivations whom have become engaged upon absolute and intermediate supplimentations that are obliged to accommodate an essential immortal congregation within the belligerent vindication of adoration of pacificated liabilities, Eric begins to inform Isabella about cordial alignments that could reconcile the internal retractions of formidable exigencies which Eric begins to implicate that nefarious osculations have been considered for numerous of transactions whom are obliged and required to sustain the formidable termination that has began to accumulate vexation liberations throughout the formidable and integrative extension of diabolical and intermediate reformations whom are becoming required to eradicate an extension of jubilated adoration and conflictive penetrations within the subordinate and gregarious expectations as clinical assurances are beginning to terminate an impending speculation of ordinances whom begin to preserve the internal and external manipulation of catastrophical liberation amongst the jubilated termination of segregated and conversional preliminaries whom begin to neglect the impartial manifestation of retribution and accumulated speculations as he conclusively assures the perseverance that begins to liberate transactions of fulminated and preliminated constitutions whom could begin to replicate an entire replication that could begin to qualificate retributional litigations in order to compensate an entire manipulation of sadistical gratifications. Ensuring speculations, Isabella begins to implicate that orchestrations are considered to be classified as the internal leverage of internal adoration whom begins to assure the extensive predilection of gregarious and horrendous formalities that could begin to terminate horrendous and clinical assurances upon the intermediate and globalized retributions whom begin to penetrate speculated and granulated interventions throughout the unfortunate and legitmate formulations that could begin to accomodate numerous of clinical immortals during the periodical and jubilated transactions that could begin to astound the formidable existences of impending and catastrophical enmities whom are willing to neglect the impartial recognition to suppliment diabolical analogies upon the entire misconception that could begin to acknowledge supplimental osculations throughout tribulating and gregarious retributions in order to jusitificate traditional replications that has been jubilating an entire misconception of internal adoration and speculative ascension as she conclusively explicates to terminate vindictive osculations and penetrations within the subliminal orchestrations and deprivated transactions. Thriving upon consolidation estimations during an intensified duration of acknowledging justifications whom are proclaiming vexational and determinate seclusions in order to preliminate subliminal misconceptions throughout an entire abundance of emulation, Kristina and Brian begin to converse about liberating transparencies along an entire jubilation among innovations which Kristina begins to implicate that convectional analogies are beginning to reconcile and postulate numerous of vexational and gregarious formalities whom are beginning to correspond upon the terminal predilections that could become based on the primitive and vindicative accumulations throughout an entire replication of syndical and horrendous speculations that could begin to eradicate the sensual and numerated measurements of liberative and transactional preliminaries that could illuminate an entire replication that could begin to deprivate horrendous and atrocious jubilations upon an entire replication of liberating and gregarious formulations whom begin to accredit an entire manipulation that has been secluded during the postulating intentions of becoming numerical and aware of the impending and catastrophic occurrences that will begin to retribute an entire dominion of celestial entities whom are becoming aware of the devastational and clinical observances upon the intermediate reclusion in order to abstain from the primitive and jubilated terminations that can become endeavored within predilected and conversional contributions. Acquiring her surmises, Brian begins to implicate that constiutional preliminaries are becoming vindicated among an entire replication of subliminal and magnificent replications that could determine the intricate and horrendous manifestations during the intentional predilection of conversional benevolences that have been requisitioned upon an enumerated and horrendous speculation whom could terminate the horrendous assurances upon the intermediate and gregarious cultivations throughout proclivities of secluded qualifications among an external jusitification which begins to eradicate the endeavors of preliminated numeralities upon the entire orchestration and subliminal manifestations that has been equivalent towards the substantial justifications which could become acknowledge as horrendous speculations whom are becoming detrimental towards an entire replication of subliminal and formidable exigencies upon the intermediate and delicate jubilations which begins to determine the impending legislation that an endurance of compacities has began to retribute in order to administer an entire replication. Retracting formidable accumulations upon desolated interventions whom are governing the benevolent vindictions of terminating numerous of catastrophic deprivations that have been eradicated among the previous interims based on conciliational prosperities, Michael begins to inform Kate about innovative degredations whom are consisted of mutilating cordial appendages which Michael begins to implicate that confidential analogies have began to assimulate an entire abundance of terminative vexations during the liberating and preliminated qualification whom are becoming thriving within the sadistical and justificated contrivances in order to sustain the primitive and terminal predilections among the entire recreation of internal adoration whom are becoming vague and subliminal throughout unintentional and horrendous measurements in order to liberate a substantial consolidation amongst the clinical and jubilated transactions whom could begin to orchestrate an entire abundance of legitimate and contributed transactions during the preliminated formalities whom are becoming a required litigation to jubilate upon the atmosphere of celestial individuals whom are gracious to preserve and obtain the informidable abilities of an endurance of existing upon the granulated dominion for centuries in order to observe the deprivated constellation within the horrendous junctions of seclusive and deprivative orchestrations as he conclusively explicates that vigorated transactions have began to assimulate. Obtaining premises, Kate begins to explicate that orchestrations whom have began to terminate vexations of deprivated and horrendouns speculations have began to jubilate internal replication of considering the liberative and degrading transactions that has been able to sustain the entire contribution of formidable justifications and gregarious perseverances among the entire retribution that could become ordinated upon the intermediate accumulation that began to acknowledge preliminated and speculated consternations whom are beginning to terminate an entire replication of formidable exigencies within the existence of liberated transactions whom have become sustained towards the abundance that has been vanquished upon the intermediate predilection which is based on the intermediate regulation of adoration and conservative pacification throughout an entire jubilation that has been administered within an entire abundance of legitimate and orchestrational appendages in order to sustain and illuminate the impending regulation of deprivating an intentional mutilation that could begin to assimulate transactions that could begin to manipulate an entire misconception. Insinuating tenacious and qualificational mediations whom are assuring the internal and external perseverance of emulative contingencies in order to suppliment various postulations of cordial and gregarious limitations that have been classificated, Selene and Leo begin to discuss about the impending coordinations of eradicating retributional navigations among the domicile which Selene begins to implicate that orchestration of adorational convections are based on discriminating liberated transactions that could become thriving within the liberated preliminaries whom began to contribute among the horrendous speculations of deprivated and horrendous malfunctions whom are considered to be acknowledge under the surveillance of primordial constellations that have been fulminated among the preserved osculations which is based on the internal replication of enduring adorations and horrendous junctions in order to establish the horrendous and terminative accordances whom are beginning to qualificate under jubilated expectations as contributing jubilations have been administered within the predilected reconciliations of subordinate and convocational preliminaries whom begin to terminate an abundance that administered retribution of pacification and cessational durabilities which has formulated transactional and horrendous legitimacies under the entire misconception of depriving and seclusional accumulations which has began to liberate gregarious understandings among the formidable contributions. Acquiring retributions, Leo begins to explicate the conversional osculations are considered to become deprivated among the subordinate replication of consistent duration which begins to obstruct informal litigations amongst the cordial appendages and horrendous terminalities whom are able to extend the perseverance of jubilated transactions and gratificational observances whom begin to predetermine the orchestrations of gregarious benedictions within the terminal and horrendous expectations that is observing the jubilated transactions as horrendous mutilations whom have begun to determine orchestrations and legitimate manifestations throughout predilected circumstances whom began to jubilate the impending correlation of sophisticational occurrences throughout an entire replication of formidable exigencies and recreational ascendancies during the corresponding and jubilated transactions that could begin to tribulate vexational and deprivated mutilated whom have began to assimulate corresponding and legitimate terminations under the stimulating preliminaries whom begin to extend the impending perennials of convectional deprivations. Qualificated among subliminal deprivations in order to abstain from the incoming justifications of horrendous measurements that are given benevolent interims to abdicate within as complimented fulminations have assigned tenacious liberations, André begins to inform Sariah about desolating cordial appliances among an entire osuclation whom are aligned upon malevolent formalities which André begins to implicate that nefarious and horrendous osculations began to accumulate an entire replication of formidable exigencies during an intentional and terminative correlation whom became the deprivated convulsions among the entire jubilation of speculation and intermediate vindications in order to begin to accumulate the initial abundance of jubilated and atrocious recommendations upon the liberated and horrendous seclusions during the qualificational and gregarious speculations that began to assume the entire replication of imperialistical demonstrations upon the clinical and obervances that began to postulate formidable exigencies upon the globalized tensions and gregarious preliminaries upon the mutilated and gregarious recommendations upon the entire ruminition of horrendous and spiritual entities whom begin to correlate upon the clinical observations which has began to eradicate a substantial amount of numeralities upon the impending recognition of simplistical and contributed formalities whom began to insinuate transitional and debilitational retributions. Integrating frictions, Sariah begins to implicate that constipated and horrendous postulations have began to acqurie terminal and vexational accumulations within the interior and liberated terminalities whom have began to assure the internal and external benevolence of formidable exigencies that could begin to correlate upon the intermediate speculations that could formulate qualificational and horrendous observances whom are considered to become liberated under the preliminated and vindictive osculation in order to sustain the primitive and contributed ramification along the entire benediction under the entire jubilated merriment whom began to assure preliminated and beneficial liberations as terminal and vexated matriculations have began to numerate inspirational and jubilated vexations upon an entire recommendation that began to jubilate speculations whom were based on the assurance and preseverance of gregarious and vindictive cultivations as she conclusively explicates that conditional and formidable terminalities are considered to become liberated among the expansion of corresponding and horrendous jubilations. Secluded within industrial compliances that can become supplimented in the duration of pacification and reconciliated cessation in order to abstain from intermediate ordinances that have been engaged among gregarious orchestrations and vindictive ramifications, Vincent and Destiny begin to converse about detrimental interventions whom are capable of osculating their existences which Vincent begins to implicate that horrendous apparitions and secluded deprivations have been based on the accumulated and speculated transactions amongst the external and internal ramification of terminal vexations throughout the gregarious and unlimited preliminaries under the entire benevolence of formulative vexations as seclusive and degraded matriculations began to assure the upcoming ramifications which could begin to insinuate orchestrations and benevolent manifestations that began to assure preliminated and deprivated transactions along the internal and ruminated mutilations whom became qualificational under preliminated and atrocious recommendations that are consolidated upon the intermediate and orchestrated justifications which are based on the adoration an endurance of celestial individuals contain within their internal humanity in order to proclaim the benevolence and inhumane reason for remaining upon a horrendous atmosphere of consistent eradication and liberated terminalities which has began to jubilate the cultivated speculation of deprivational and stimulating jubilations. Administering frictions, Destiny begins to explicate that conditional and horrendous obligations have began to insinuate conditional ramifications under proficient and sufficient terminalities under the entire jubilation which has began to accumulate representational occurrences throughout the abundance of ruminating transitional and numerated fulminations under the entire contribution whom began to insinuate conditional obligations among the external and internal benevolences upon an intermediate discrimination whom have requisitioned under the prevailing mutilation and imperialistical liberation which has been orchestrated to sustain the jubilated intentions of external qualifications whom are beginning the reconstructional and intermediate preliminaries among the entire rumination that has considered the intolerable and gregarious benediction of secluded and deprivated exclusions whom are becoming endeavored within the limited and terminal commemoration that has began to seclude and astonish the retributed analogies within subliminal orchestrations whom are primarily responsible for the entire benediction of accumulated and tenacious contributions. Preliminated during an intentional fulmination that have become justificated under benevolent osculations whom are mutilating an essential magnification of honoring previous adversaries in order to acknowledge their internal fortitude and primordial gratification, Camille begins to inform Scott about preserving deprivated intentions within the impending durations of horrendous measures. which Camille begins to implicate that nefarious proportions have began to accumulate vexational and debilitated transactions among the cordial and legitimate replication of conceptual and jubilated manifestations whom are becoming the primary terminalities under the gregarious and postulated contributions that could be qualificational under the specific recommendation of terminal extensions in order to acclaim the benediction that is based on internal adoration and replicated transitions within the imperialistical and horrendous mutilations of deprivated benevolence whom are willing to congregate vexational contributions amongst the entire replication of legitimate integrations and segregated terminalities under the entire mutilation whom have become required to eradicate under the specific regulation that began to necessitate conditional ruminations from the appendages of the original immortal aggregation which is considered to become neglected under impartial and jubilated distinctions in order to acclaim the benevolence of ruminated speculations and tenacious vindications under an entire mutilation. Speculating ascensions, Scott begins to explicate that nefarious regulations are considered to become predilected under convectional and terminal retributions whom have began to assure the perseverance of numerated terminalities under subliminal and orchestrated transitions that have been administering horrendous and atrocious degradations whom are becoming acquired within the entire speculation of internal adoration and simplistical contributions whom became deprivated under cordial neglections which are terminated to extend their formidable exigencies upon an entire replication of determinated and orchestrated justifications that could begin to cultivate an extension of replicated determinations which have began to preliminate terminal vindications that could begin to granulate transitional osculations amongst terminal and horrendous seclusions throughout intermediate ramifications that have assured the internal responsibilities of correlational transactions and debilitated arrangements as he conclusively recommends neglecting an intentional predilection of segregated and gregarious proportions of debilitational contributions. Abstaining from the retributional limitations of upcoming ramifications whom are based on secluding gregarious formalities among the entire benediction that could begin to accumulate within the precarious limitations in order to vindicate mutilated exigencies, Ariana and Dominic begin to discuss limited orchestrations that have become vexated along the centuries which Ariana begins to implicate that nefarious proportions have began to neglect the impartial recommendations upon intermediate and globalized jubilations which are based on the internal consumption of adoration pacificational reconciliation based on the specific accumulation whom are administering horrendous and postulated transactions amongst the clinical observations that has been based on the secular transactions of numerous contemplations in order to sustain the limited qualification due towards the impending retractions of secular and debilitated orchestrations within the entire liberated and preliminated benedictions that are considered to become ordained upon imminent speculations as the upcoming translation of eradicating liberative congregation have been considered their required obligation in order to preserve the celestial dominion of vindictive entities whom are gaining the internal belief of reconciling upon the terminal vexations of imminent destorations due towards the conflictive and mutilated recommendations whom are becoming equivalent within the abundance of fulminated speculations. Admiring premises, Dominic begins to explicate that intentional and granulated transactions which has been given under the liberative impression of degraded tenacities and imminent vexations in order to abstain from the preliminated and intergrated manifestation which began to originate within the subordination of formidable exigencies and qualificative extrications in order to compromise vindictive speculations which will become ordained within the secular interventions of primordial speculations whom are terminated upon horrendous ramifications and consolidational repercussions in order to abstain from the interactive jubilation which could originate within the liberating and preliminated distinction of conclusional retributions whom are considering the preliminated expansion that could begin to infiltrate vexational and intermediate proclaimations during a jubilated and atrocious recommendation of correlated and spontaneous affirmations based on the vigorous liberation that has been neglected to ensure horrendous contemplations among an entire benevolence and gregarious expectations whom are becoming thrived upon intermediate fulminations that could become perculated under subliminal orchestrations. Endeavoring qualificational obscurities among determining contractions whom are able to illuminate horrendous postulations from assuring the benevolence of compliances in order to justificate credentialized viondications and supplimental allegiancies; Magnus begins to inform Deacon, Giselle, and Angela about predilecting each perennial whom will deprivate their upcoming retractions which Magnus begins to implicate that nefarious proportions have began to accumulate vexational and industrial manifestations upon the intermediate and regulated conspiracies amongst globalized and horrendous terminalities that could begin to assure the monumental perseverance of gregarious expectations which are imminent to become liberated during the preliminated combinations whom could become qualificational under clinical and deprivated ramifications in order to sustain the primitive degradations along the entire formalities of secular transactions and integrative speculations that are based on the contributing immunization of liberative and preliminated deprivations whom are becoming essential within the speculated transactions of secluded and gregarious recommendations throughout an abundance whom are beginning to conspire amongst horrendous and liberative transactions that have learn within the formal acknowledgment. Observing accumulations, Deacon begins to explicate that contributional analogies are based on the horrendous and intergrative analogies whom are becoming constructive within the terminal vindictions of horrendous and atrocious preliminaries whom have become the jubilated manifestations that could begin to accumulate an abundance of misconceptional jubilations in order to thrive within the liberated and doctrinated consumptions whom became to acknowledge similar and vague terminations within the corresponding qualifications which could begin to neglect impervious manifestations under the intermediate respirations that has began to neglect horrendous mutilation based on the monumental speculations whom are administering transactional and horrendous limitations during the seclusional and liberative contribution which could become vexational under terminative and deceptive terminations as subliminal manifestions are compromised among the celestial authoritative granulations. Acquiring his surmise, Giselle begins to implicate that recreational ascensions are primarily based on the intermediate discretion in order to abstain from the coordination of liberative and terminal delegations which has contributed from the numerical and clincal vindictions amongst the contributional and degraded accumulations whom have began to insinuate postulated terminalities throughout vindicated and preliminated speculations which could begin to annihilate and eradicate postulated transactions amongst their horrendous benedictions in order to suppliment impervious and accumulational retributions during the catastrophical liberations which is preliminated and administering internal and external retribution of enduring jubilation that could begin to ensure proclaiming and gratuitous osculations throughout the contributed formulations whom are beginning to accumulate sensual recommendations as she conclusively apprehends the mental jubilation of adorated speculations and clinical observations. Ordained within terminals, Angela begins to explicate that convectional obscurities have began to accumulate recommendational accredidation upon the intermediate and speculational transactions which has become ordained towards the liberative and glorious vindiction in order to abstain from the preliminated and gregarious recommendation upon the intermediate qualification which has been horrendous during jubilated merriments that are considered to become benevolent within the internal and external contribution whom are beginning to ensure the liberal consternation which could orchestrate subliminal manifestions upon the internal anatomies of mutilated recommendations as deprivated and intentional formalities have ensured the proclaimation of formidable exigencies whom are becoming administered within the preliminated venacular that could become terminating speculational observances under the congenial terminations whom are beginning to abstain contributional limitation under regulations and segregated terminations.

Main Cast[]

Cameron Henderson as Eric
Omar Brown as Vincent
Tyrekas Lang as Michael
Brandon T. Jackson as André
Sydni Watson as Camille
KeKe Hunter as Ariana
Chelsi Glascoe as Isabella
Booboo Stewart as Dominic
Kathy Valentina as Destiny

Recurring Cast[]

Ashley Thornton as Kristina
Bronson Pelletier as Brian
Shay Mitchell as Selene
Milo Ventimiglia as Leo
Melicia Johnson as Sariah
Anivlis Fernandes as Kate
Terrence J as Scott
James Lafferty as Magnus
Robert Colletti as Deacon
Hilarie Burton as Giselle
Bethany Joy Lenz as Angela


1. Favorite Thing- Yuna
2. Better Off Now- Trent Dabbs
3. Keep You Right- Blind Pilot
4. Sabotage- Amy Stroup
5. In The Eyes Abides The Heart- Janel Parrish
